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IK Osakioduwa: How to Become a Great Presenter

Good presenters are everywhere, but great presenters are certainly hard to come by. Over the years, IK Osakioduwa has made a name for himself in the media industry  becoming one of the greats in Africa with his authentic presentation style that’s charming and easy on the ears. From as early as 2001, the veteran has commanded the airwaves while on Nigeria’s 93.7 Rhythm FM and has successfully translated his talent into TV, hosting popular shows like Big Brother Africa and Temptation Nigeria, just to name a few. IK was one of the speakers at the just-concluded Mind, Media and Money training hosted by One-23 Communications this past week. Participants got some invaluable tips on broadcast presenting from the veteran himself in what was an engaging, fun atmosphere. The tips can also be applied in everyday presentation tasks on a wider scale. 1. It’s all in the flow There’s more to radio or TV presentation than just talking on air. Remember to structure your speech with guidelines and refrain from dishing out all your content at once. It’s also important for producers and presenters alike to know what content works when and schedule programmes with this in mind. No one would want to listen to news at 6 a.m., for example. Motivational programmes are more appropriate, prepping radio listeners for the day ahead. 2. Interact with your audience Speak to your audience, not at them. No one likes the latter, and the average Nigerian is not an exception to this rule. Be as engaging as you can when presenting on any topic; being friendly and personal in the process. 3. Say NO to fake accents There’s a funny myth in the broadcasting industry that’s certain to make you smile. It is believed that all presenters must have foreign accents to be taken seriously or even hired. This is far from the truth. Your Nigerian accent is rich and beautiful, and would always be in demand by someone in the industry – even foreigners – and is something to own and be proud of. It is neither a plus nor a minus to have a foreign accent. In IK’s words, presenters should ask themselves: “Why do I need to pick up an accent?” If you are unable to answer this, then it isn’t necessary. 4. Just be yourself According to IK, “Every successful person has defined who they are” and this is something worth noting. A great radio or TV presenter has a distinct personality that people may love or love to hate. Either way, you will be remembered and that’s what matters in an industry that’s full to the brim with talent.   What tip resonates the most with you? Share it with us in the comments section below.   Related articles:

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