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How To Transform Your Ideas Into Success

  Ideas often live rent-free in our heads. However, if we transform those ideas we might be on our way to achieving a success story. Like other great innovations and inventions recorded by people and organizations, there are ways we can transform ideas into success. It is not enough to make your idea a reality, but a success story. Having ideas makes us excited. But what is more exciting is if they become a reality. But the big truth is this: not all ideas can be transformed into a reality or like Victor Hugo would say about an idea whose time has come. There are also ideas about whose time hasn’t come just yet. 
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Nowadays, people, especially venture capitalists, sit down and judge people’s idea pitches based on the possibility of them becoming a tangible valuable service or product. If the idea is possible, they are likely to invest in those ideas. But if it is not, they would throw it into the trash can. In this article, I write how you can turn your idea into success. A wise man once said, “A short pencil is greater than a long memory.” Things written down cannot be forgotten. Penning down your ideas and developing them is a way to help you give your idea a skeletal framework. When your ideas have been put into a written format, you can see them coming to life. It inspires to expand it and cross-examine the weaknesses and the strengths.  One of the biggest mistakes entrepreneurs often make is to shield their ideas from critiques. However, your idea is not yours alone because the idea is out to solve the needs of people beyond you.
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This is why you must pitch your ideas to your partners, your network, potential clients, and what-have-you, to get feedback. Although some feedback might be demoralizing, you need to detect between constructive criticism and destructive criticism. Therefore, you must detach yourself from your idea to appreciate criticisms. This is why you expose your ideas to as many critiques as possible because you can learn a thing or two, which you can implement in making your idea more solid. Some criticism can indeed be painful, but you must focus on the vision rather than the idea itself.  Another way to transform your ideas into reality is to avoid buzzwords and stay clear of smart words. Ideas manifest into reality when there is accurate data and valid points to back them up. Rather than sound generic, always make use of specificities in explaining your idea. Ideas become possible when there is clarity and understanding. Investors are more interested in what you are bringing to the table and how different your idea is compared to numerous ideas in existence. Therefore, your idea should be clear and simplified so that a five-year-old child can understand it. Investors are interested in specifics.
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For example, you can pitch an idea of distributing bottled water to an area where there is no such provision. Define the area you want to serve and the number of people you want to serve and the potential profit, and the ability to repeat the successful process.  Thinking big is a way to keep you motivated because, in the course of pitching your ideas to various sets of people, you will be faced with opposition and discouragements. Hence, to see your dream become a reality, you must always focus on the vision and think big about the possibilities so long as you are sure the idea is executable.   Ideas do not come fully made. As you take small steps, you begin to grow the courage to pursue your ideas and get more people to believe in you. When actions are taken, you can easily gain insight if you are on the right path or not.  In transforming your ideas into success, you will encounter a lot of roadblocks and failures. This should not deter you or make you feel sad. The advantage of this is that you can fail fast and find the ideal business model that your ideas will run on. Try your hands on several things and normalize experimentation even when the results aren’t positive. Featured Image Source:
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