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How To Take Care Of Your Beards!

It’s so obvious that keeping beards is the new sexy for men, regardless of your race, believes, tribe or culture. A well trimmed and clean beard is part of today’s fashion for men, it’s like an extension of any apparel you put on or the perfume/ cologne one wears. I for one welcome this new trend and i guess it’s going be around for a very long time, so welcome to my world of the grown and the sexy. I have been around real men since time immemorial, growing up as a bearded man, has two sides of the story, the early days was smooth ,it was so easy to take care of, but the latter came with its challenges. Taking care of beards is as sensitive as any part of your body because it’s your face that is the case study here. As time goes on you turn out to be a master of the game, you settled in and realized that having a beard is almost as much work as not having one. However with practice, maintaining your beard is quite easy and you’ll keep up that dignified bearded look. What You Need To Know: -Invest in a quality beard trimmer with different length settings. -The cheek line, the natural edge of the beard on the cheeks, is best left natural. Unless your beard appears to be starting below your eyes, you probably are better off not shaving or sculpting the hair on your cheeks. -As your beard grows, you can start using a moisturizing shampoo and use a conditioner to create moisture and hydrate to wash it. Make sure the conditioner you use does not contain any products that tingle, especially if you have sensitive skin.   The Resolution: Trim from the bottom going up and don’t get antsy with shaping your beard. Give it time to grow before sculpting it and be sure to start at a higher setting and work your way down or risk losing weeks of growth. Beards need a line of demarcation; otherwise your beard can appear uneven, accidental or messy. After you’ve trimmed your beard, take off the guard or push back the attachment to the lowest level, and go from the jaw line straight down. It’s important that you wash all of your face and exfoliate your skin so that you eliminate any dead skin build-up.  Be sure to continue with facial cleanser, as a regular run-of-the-mill bar of soap will dry your skin out. And dry skin under a beard makes an itchy beard. Advice for Maintaining Your Facial Hair The hair on your face is somewhat different than the hair on your head, caring for your beard requires a modified set of instructions. It is important to keep your beard clean and well-conditioned. For this task, simply use the same shampoo and conditioner on your face as you do your head. If your beard is gray, conditioning is key because grey hair can grow thicker and more bristly than coloured hair. For unruly beards, a dab of beard conditioner will be necessary. Seek Professional Help To give your beard the best shape possible, find a good barber and have it trimmed professionally. After your barber has professionally shaped your beard, you can maintain it easier at home. Use Shave Oil Clear shaving oil will allow you to see what you are shaving and will help ensure clean lines around your beard. A Good Trimmer A quality trimmer is important for a well groomed beard. Choose a trimmer with an adjustable trimming guide for mistake proof trimming. Stay away from scissors as you’ll have a hard time getting an even trim. A full sized clipper will make overall trimming easier, while a small fine-toothed trimmer will cut closer and allow you to get a clean outline. Colour Carefully If your beard is graying or a dramatically different colour from the hair on your head, there are dyes specifically formulated for facial hair that are safe to use at home. Avoid using colour treatments designed for your hair as these are not formulated to handle the tougher hair on your face. Just for Men makes brush-in colour gels that work well. Use a Mirror Invest in a wall-mounted mirror with a telescoping arm. This will prevent you from having to lean across the bathroom counter and ensure you can get close up. A well maintained beard can look great on the right face and offers a nice change from time to time. If you get tired of the beard and decide to go clean shaven, it’s the reverse of all the above. Remember it’s for the grown and the sexy!
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