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How to Stay Motivated When Building Your Startup in Nigeria

Building a startup

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  Building a startup anywhere is tough. In Nigeria, due to certain other factors, building a startup can sometimes feel like an uphill task. Entrepreneurs in Nigeria deal with limited infrastructure, unreliable power, and the challenges of raising funds. This is why many entrepreneurs struggle with staying motivated. To help you with your entrepreneurial journey, this article will share insights on how you can stay inspired, keep pushing forward, and thrive in the Nigerian business environment.
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1. Focus on Your “Why”

Simon Sinek’s book on visionary leadership, “Start With Why,” highlights the place of having a strong why in business. As an entrepreneur, you need a strong reason for starting a startup. This is because when you hit difficult moments, which you can bet there will be plenty of, it’s important to remember why you started in the first place. Are you solving a problem in your community? Are you building a startup that will give you financial freedom? Understanding your “why” will give you a sense of purpose, which can be your fuel during challenging times.

2. Surround Yourself with a Support System

Being an entrepreneur can feel lonely, especially if you don’t have a solid support system. But you don’t have to do it alone. It is important to surround yourself with positive, like-minded people—friends, mentors, or fellow entrepreneurs—who believe in your vision. They’ll encourage you when you feel like giving up and offer advice based on their own experiences. As a startup founder, you can join a startup community like the ones found in Lagos or Abuja’s tech hubs that can provide you with needed support. In these communities, you have opportunities to learn from others who are facing or have faced similar struggles.
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3. Break Down Your Goals

When your goals seem too big or too far away, it’s easy for you to lose motivation. To help you stay motivated and to keep you going, you need to break your goals down into smaller, actionable steps and tasks. By focusing on these smaller tasks, you’ll feel a sense of accomplishment each time you complete one, keeping your motivation high. For example, instead of aiming to “build a unicorn,” start with smaller targets like “launch a minimum viable product” or “get 100 customers by the end of the year.”

4. Celebrate Your Small Wins

As an entrepreneur, you can be so focused on the big picture that you forget to celebrate your small wins. But these small victories are important for maintaining your entrepreneurial motivation in Nigeria. Did you finally get your business registered with the CAC? Celebrate it. Did you hit your monthly sales target? That’s a win! If you got featured or published in a major news outlet, announce it to the high heavens. Taking time to celebrate your progress, no matter how small, will remind you that you’re achieving success bit by bit.

5. Learn to Handle Failure

It is almost impossible not to face setbacks and challenges as a businessperson. These challenges come in varying ways, such as a deal you’ve invested so much on not falling through or a key partner backing out at the last minute. But don’t let failure steal your motivation. Instead, view failure as part of the entrepreneurial journey. Learn from your mistakes and keep moving forward. There’s no successful entrepreneur you know who has not faced major setbacks.
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6. Stay Inspired by the Success Stories of Other Entrepreneurs

One other important way of keeping yourself motivated is reading the biographies and success stories of other entrepreneurs, especially Nigerians. These stories can serve as reminders that as an entrepreneur, you can succeed, despite the odds against you. Read books, watch interviews, or listen to podcasts that feature entrepreneurs who have made it. Their stories will inspire you to keep pushing, no matter what challenges you face.
Featured Image Source: Ruby Garage
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