Growing up, I remember my parents used to dress up for dinner parties hosted by clubs like Rotary or Full Businessmen Fellowship. As a kid, I just loved knowing they were going out as a couple to wine and dine. I’d imagine the range of foods they would be privileged to eat, the music they would dance to, and the connections they would establish which meant new family friends whose homes we would visit on a weekend/Sunday.
I was oblivious to the fact that those dinners were usually meant for fundraising, regardless of the monthly financial commitments participants made to such organisations. As I grew up and saw how demanding life was on parents, I quickly surmised that being in a club of that nature wasn’t for me. Don’t get me wrong; I have nothing against charitable events. I’d just rather go to one and support without the monthly dues and multiple meetings that come with being in a club.
Most young ladies these days rarely have time for such club engagements anyway. They would rather just hang out with some friends and have a memorable time. There is just one tiny problem; how does one spice up a get together among friends that have the appeal of such club meetings without the financial burden or constraints attached?
Draw up a plan
No one wants to feel pressured or dragged along, so make out time to meet with participants and decide what elements can be added to the meetup. Everyone should agree on the location and activities to be carried out. Decide if the hang out should be at a conservation center, poolside, someone’s home, the cinema, etc. Decide on what time to meet, how long the get together will be, if there will be a dress code, and basically what will be done during the meetup.
Keep it Simple
Remember, your goal is to keep it free from financial burdens, so unless someone decides to handle a particular expensive responsibility, keep the plans simple. You can choose an activity based on the reason for the get together like shopping, or stopping by a fast food joint for a treat, baking or cooking together, watching a film, playing games, getting your faces beat, the list is endless really. Whatever you choose, ensure there is ample time for conversations (both group and individual discussions). Your emphasis is on quality time not necessarily a host of activities that leaves everyone exhausted and fatigued.
Get food
Nothing makes a party pop like good food. Either you do a love feast where everyone brings a meal, or you get a caterer to provide meals like an array of snacks, fruits, and drinks for appetizer or desert, and/or food for the main course. It may not even be a three-course meal; you could have finger foods like ‘small chops’ or heavy meals like ‘swallow’, or a variant of rice served with Cocktails, homemade fruit drinks like ‘Zobo’, or Smoothies and ice cream. Food helps to create an atmosphere of a fun party, and the more unique the food, the better.
Take pictures
Whoever has the best phone camera resolution can volunteer their gadget to be the official camera for the occasion. If any of the attendees happen to have a professional camera, that’s great. Take a group picture and individual pictures. Make goofy faces or document everything that happens like a professional photographer’s photo speak session. The better the pictures, the more likely everyone will want a memento of the event.
The next time you and your friends decide to hang out at home or have a church meeting, try these tips. Do share on other ways you can make a get together more lively in the comment session. Let’s learn together. *winks*