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How To Seamlessly Switch Careers In The 21st Century


  A career switch is one of the biggest and challenging decisions to make in the corporate world. It is a decision that can make or mar your corporate life. When done the right way, it can set your life and career ablaze, but when done the wrong way, it can dwindle your life and career.
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Two concepts come to mind when the issue of a career switch is being discussed; one is a career shift, the other is a career change. The two are interconnected but have just a minute dissimilarity. A career shift is not a total career switch; that is an entire career switch. This could come in terms of changing roles within a corporate establishment or performing the same role in another corporate establishment. But a total career switch or change is a drastic switch both at the role played and the corporate environment; change of occupation. For instance, moving from being a teacher to a music producer, moving from being a professional driver to a fashion designer and so forth. Numerous factors, both obvious and not so obvious factors can lead to a career switch. When I say career switch, I am talking about a change in role and a change in occupation. Some of these factors can be lack of satisfaction or fulfilment in your current career, the quest for self-development, the desire to be self-employed, marriage or health-related issues. Whatever be the case, a career switch is an uphill task and requires a well thought out move.  This article is for you if any of the above mentioned and more defines you, this article is set out to guide you on how to switch your career seamlessly and professionally. Below are things to consider while you take this leap.

 Introspection And Self Examination

Reexamine yourself, your skillset, your line of action, understand the qualifications and the challenges of the new career you are interested in. do you want to take this career leap or remain at where you are? If you are ready for the leap, write down the important things you expect in your new career and make an action plan on how to meet up the new demands.
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Rebrand And Update Yourself

Personal rebranding and updating are expedient in your quest for career switching. You rebrand yourself to suit your new career. Take qualification and professional courses, either online or offline. This is important since your experience in your former career or role may not always be needed in your new career. Update your resume and cover page, update your social media profiles, especially, LinkedIn. Acquire more skills where necessary.

Work With A Career Expert

You may want to invite a career counsellor and expert, especially in your new chosen field, to help vet what you have. A second look in career switch cannot be overemphasized. This expert will help you not to be emotional about what you are doing. They look at your aptitude and professional know-how, your skillset and strength, including your experience and better prepare you for the new career pathway.

Network With Those In Your New Career

The power and potential inherent in networking and association in 21st-century career and corporate life is overwhelming and cannot be overstressed. By networking with those already in your dream career, you get insider information about the career or industry. This adds to your bank of knowledge and technical know-how. It prepares you ahead of time and when you arrive at this career or industry, you will not be arriving as a novice but as a pro.

Consider Your Financial Strength

While still on the journey of a career switch, you may want to consider your financial strength to carry you through the whole process. You may want to take a part-time job while you transit slowly into your dream career. A drastic and abrupt move can mar your finance and put a stop to the whole transition process. With these steps above, you can switch careers seamlessly and professionally without a cul-de-sac or career crash. Featured Image Source: BBC
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