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How To Negotiate Your Salary In An Interview

Human Resources Online

  Should you put out your figure first or should the recruiter do so? Should you negotiate at the point of an interview or after your offer letter is issued?
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For some reason, career professionals seem to have reservations about this topic. We could argue with valid and proven points for both sides as they have their pros and cons. There is no ‘one size fits all’ approach when it comes to negotiation and hiring processes. When recruiters or hiring managers ask what your salary expectations are, it can serve as a pointer that you are being considered for the role and on the other hand, could be a test. However, it doesn’t translate otherwise if they do not ask you either. You almost cannot tell if/when you will be asked. It largely depends on your recruiter so get prepared at every point to defend your figure, so do not put yourself on the hinge. Negotiation is a skill and yes, it can be learnt. Working with hiring managers is not any different from the everyday negotiations you make in the market and on the streets. Going into your interview without a figure in mind or understanding of terms in employee compensation like gross and net salary, taxes etc can leave you clueless. You might not be so lucky to get through without having to answer the question. Not every hiring manager will be gracious enough to explain succinctly, it is not a bad thing, it is business. They are doing their jobs in the organization’s best interest – to cut costs, you on the other hand should also look to earn more. If you believe your ‘skillset’ is worth it, don’t be scared to present it once asked, but in all your doings, be realistic.
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The popular question, “What are your salary expectations?” from your recruiter can meet you unaware. It’s not a bad thing at all, sometimes, they just want to hear what you think. Every party wants to walk away smiling that they sealed a deal in their favour. It is always argued that those who negotiate their salaries always earn better than those who do not, so don’t be scared to start negotiating. Featured Image Source: Human Resources Online
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