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How To Market to Gen Z in Nigeria

Gen Z

Business Insider Africa

  Gen Z refers to those born between the late-1990s and early 2010s. Marketing to Gen Z requires a unique approach different from what could be used for the Millennials and the older generations. This is because Gen Z being all digital natives is tech-savvy and socially conscious. They are said to have distinct preferences and behaviours that set them apart from previous generations. They are not only consumers but also creators and influencers, shaping trends and driving conversations on platforms like Twitter, Instagram, and TikTok.
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To capture their attention and loyalty effectively, businesses must understand and adapt to their digital habits, values, and cultural influences. This post provides a guide on how to market to Gen Z in Nigeria, drawing on insights from available research and local trends.

Use Social Media

Gen Z spends a significant amount of time on social media, making platforms like Instagram, Twitter, TikTok, and YouTube crucial for marketing efforts. According to Hootsuite, TikTok ranks as one of the most influential platforms for this demographic, particularly for women, where it surpasses traditional channels like Facebook and Twitter in terms of advertising effectiveness Brands need to maintain a strong presence on these platforms, utilizing engaging and visually appealing content to attract attention. For example, last year, Rihanna’s Fenty Beauty ran the #TheNextFentyFace campaign on TikTok, encouraging users to post videos using their products. This resulted in massive engagement and brand visibility.

Partner Influencers

Another important strategy to consider in marketing to this demography is the use of influencers, especially those who resonate with Gen Z. According to research by McKinsey, Gen Z trusts recommendations from influencers more than traditional advertisements.

Be Authentic and Transparent

Another interesting thing about Gen Z is the fact that they value authenticity and can easily detect insincere marketing tactics. So, if you are looking to market to them, you need to focus on building genuine connections by sharing behind-the-scenes content, user-generated content, and honest narratives.

Jump In On Trends

It is important if you are going to market to Gen Z to keep up with trends and find ways to incorporate them into your marketing strategy. For example, recently Brain Jotter reawakened the popular Igbo folklore song by Mike Ejeagha, ‘gwo gwo gwo’, and several persons, including foreigners jumped in on the trend and are enjoying the visibility and reach. As a business, you can create an office version of the ‘gwo gwo gwo challenge’ and share it across your social media platforms. This will go a long way in helping you capture the attention of this demographic.
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Create Engaging, Interactive, and Personalized Content

Another interesting thing about Gen Z is that unlike the Millennials who are more cautious of the marketing efforts of brands, they enjoy participating in brand activities that allow them to express their creativity. You can significantly enhance your brand engagement by creating interactive content such as polls, and quizzes or even inviting them to create content (user-generated content). Also, Gen Z appreciates personalized experiences tailored to their preferences and behaviours. You can carry out market research or even consider available data on Gen Z to understand their interests and deliver targeted content that can enhance their engagement. Personalized marketing here can include tailored email campaigns, personalized product recommendations, and dynamic website content.

Offer Value through Discounts and Promotions

You know the saying the popular saying in Nigeria, ‘Awoof dey run belle’? I don’t think that applies to Gen Z. This is because discounts and promotions are powerful tools to attract them. They are particularly responsive to deals and incentives that provide immediate value. According to a Statista study, discounts are the top reason they engage with new brands on social media.

Prioritize Mobile Optimization

Given their digital native status, Gen Z accesses most, if not all, of their content via mobile devices. So, it is important to ensure that your website, online stores, and online content are mobile-optimized. This will go a long way in providing them with a seamless mobile experience that can significantly enhance user engagement and conversion rates.

Cultural Relevance

Understanding and incorporating local culture into your marketing strategy is also another important strategy when it comes to marketing to Gen Z. Gen Zers are said to be proud of their heritage and gravitate towards content that reflects their culture and experiences. You can create a stronger connection with your Gen Z audience by finding ways to incorporate cultural semblances, music, slang, and fashion trends into your marketing campaigns.
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Case Study: Coca-Cola’s Share a Coke NG

Coca-Cola presents a good case study of how to market to Gen Z. Their personalized bottle campaign, “Share a Coke”, in Nigeria allowed consumers to find bottles with their names on them. This campaign leveraged social media for user-generated content, encouraging people to share their personalized Coke bottles online, which drove significant engagement among Gen Z. So, be creative and find ways you can apply these tips covered in this post to market to your audience.
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