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How To Make A Career Choice When You Are Undecided

Psychology Today

  Whatever stage of life you’re at, it’s never too late or early to start looking at a future career path. Regardless of the number of times you’ve been asked what you want to be when you grow up, finding the right career even when you are undecided can be very challenging.
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The state of being undecided in making a career choice comes when you are not sure what you are interested in, and even when you find multiple career choices exciting, you could get confused on which to pick.

Things To Do When You Are Undecided About A Career Choice

The definition of a career path differs from the job that a person holds, however, your career path is made up of a series of educational or job-related learning experiences, professional responsibilities and job titles that are connected. In addition, for you to make the right career choice, you will need to match your skillset and values with your position, which requires careful consideration and effort on your part. However, the following tips will serve as a guide to making the right career choice, regardless of being indecisive. A mind map is a visual organization tool, which can be used to summarize or define what you are looking for in a career with the use of diagrams, notes and even pictures. This is an effective technique, which involves creativity in a way that makes it easy for you to carefully consider your interests, passion, influences and key experiences. Think of a mind map as a way to generate ideas before you start to organize them. There is a variety of career tests and personality tests available that you can take up to get a clear picture of your strengths and weaknesses, as this gives you an idea about the ideal work environment you should be in, thereby, narrowing down your list of career choices.
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Most times, making big and crucial decisions like this can be so overwhelming, as you can be pushed into making decisions without thinking carefully about it and eventually making a bad choice. That is why you need to avoid rushing while making a career decision, rather you should take your time, consider all the facts and factors including salary, location, and job outlook, and use them to consider every option available to you before making a final choice Another important thing to do is take up various online courses to figure out your niche and learn additional skills that you may require in order to pursue it. No one starts a career with all the skills they need for future success, therefore, taking an online course will help you decide if you have what it takes to meet new challenges in a given role, because professional advancement requires continual development, either through learning on the job or gaining an additional qualification. Your academic advisor or personal Mentor is likely to know a lot about you, your interests, experiences and your history. Take some time to explain your goals to them, they are in the position to ask you certain critical questions you may not have thought of yourself, and help you understand what is important to you in a career. They also go on to offer guidance on where to look for more information and even open up work experience opportunities for you. However, it is important to note that they are not in the position to make a career choice for you, they only play the role of guidance counsellor to guide you through your journey. Your choice of career is one of the biggest decisions you’ll ever make, as it can affect your happiness and well-being, so it’s important to give it careful thought. When looking at your options, it’s important to take a holistic view. A good career choice will meet your needs in every way, it will match your skill set and interests, suit your personality type, provide a healthy work-life balance and offer financial security. Featured Image Source: Psychology Today
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