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How To Increase Productivity In The Workplace


  So many people are busy these days, without tangible results. Busyness without productivity is one thing that kills businesses and individuals alike. Sometimes at your workplace, you might realize there is so much to do and deadlines to meet.
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Have you taken some time to consider these tasks and activities, are they really going to be beneficial to you and your company in the long haul? Have you been focusing on the important things or you are just moving with the tide? In this article, I highlight some ways you can increase productivity in your workplace. This is one of the most effective ways to increase your productivity. Depending on your job role and responsibilities, define what you are to do. This should be done daily and weekly. Set out things that you plan to achieve, and have strategic action plans to achieve them. Categorize them according to their importance and urgency. This will help you know which one you are to prioritize or not It is not good enough if you just define the tasks you want to carry out. Have a deadline for each of them.
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For instance, in the case of daily tasks, when you must have written down the tasks in order of priority, attach time frames to them. Throughout the day, work according to the time frames allotted to each of them. This will make you not lose focus. And hey! At this point, don’t judge yourself if you are not able to complete them within a stipulated time. The most important thing is that you are making progress. Although, we are all out here to ensure we are productive, not taking breaks will get you fatigued. It is not advisable to sit at your desk or in front of your laptop for hours on end. At intervals, take strolls or grab a bite. However, make sure this break time is not extended unnecessarily, as too much of it will make the aim defeated. As good as this might seem sometimes, it is not the best practice if you want to be productive at work. Many a time, we joggle a whole lot of things, even the unnecessary things.
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You may think you are trying to get things done faster, but you are only making things more complicated for yourself. Try to be laser-focused on your tasks. When you set a task to carry out, go for it without interference. Get one thing done at a time. It is as simple as that. An average person spends a lot of time commuting to and from their workplace. Depending on the distance between your workplace and your home, you will most likely spend hours on the road. What do you do with that time? To be more productive in your daily tasks, you can start when you’re on a bus or cab. If it is something you can do when you’re away from the office, why not? Use your commute time judiciously. At the end of the day, you will have achieved something reasonable before even getting to your workplace.  Featured Image Source: Ehorus
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