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How to Find Investors for Your Real Estate Business in Nigeria

New Era Homes

  The real estate business is typically capital-intensive. You will often need large sums of money to fund land acquisition, construction, and renovation projects. While there’s the option of starting out small, not everyone wants to begin by flipping small parcels of virgin land in remote districts.
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You may want to secure financing for your business from banks. But their interest rates are seldom low. And they may be unwilling to help early-stage enterprises. The good news is that there are other places you can find investors at. Read on to find out how.

Ask Family and Friends

This is the first line of non-formal aid that prospective real estate businesspeople turn to. Family members and friends with deep pockets can pour some money into your projects if they trust you. So your chances of getting funded from this source depend in part on your reputation and the resources at your close contacts’ disposal. Even if they don’t have what it takes, they may know people who are willing to stake something on your business in exchange for a good ROI.

Reach Out to Investment Clubs/Cooperatives

Investment clubs are made up of members who are constantly on the lookout for investment opportunities. You could approach them with a proposal that will appeal to them. If they are convinced that your business has great revenue generation potential, they may pool funds together and invest them in your venture. You can find the contact information of a good number of these clubs or cooperatives online.
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Connect With Real Estate Agents

Real estate agents (especially those who have been in business for several years) have a network of valuable contacts, which may include investors. You can raise your chances of getting through to these people by interacting with the agents who know them. Build a decent relationship with real estate agents, and try to get some of their higher profile contacts. You never know who they could link you up with.

Engage Property Owners

Just like agents and managers, property owners may know a few people who could fund your acquisitions and construction projects. They could even be interested in doing so themselves, as they may be active investors in the industry. If you are transparent about your intentions and dealings, you could gain their trust and convince them to finance your business. Or they may point their investor friends in your direction.
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Network at Industry Events

Real estate conferences, networking sessions and exhibitions create a concentration of players in the industry that you’ll hardly find elsewhere. As such, they are the best settings to seek out prospective investors for your real estate business. Go into these events with the intention to impress other attendees with your vision and accomplishments. If you’re skilled at sustaining conversations, and if you can make an attractive value proposition out of your enterprise, you could gain at least a few interested prospects.

Final Words

You don’t have to shoulder the financial burden of starting and running a real estate business on your own. There are many ways to find people who will want to invest in it. We’ve shared a few of them with you here. Try them out. They could give you just the deal you’ve been hunting for. Featured Image Source: New Era Homes
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