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How To Cultivate A Corporate Culture

Complete Controller

  One of the ways to create a conducive environment at the workplace is to build a culture in your team. Culture is the way a set of people live, act and react to different things. It is sponsored by a mindset and enabling environment that compels the people within to act in a certain way.
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Corporate culture is one of the important elements of branding which makes people outside of the structure recognize and identify a team. Culture can be seen in how the team handles conflict, communicate with one another, respond to external people, process information, among other things. It is almost impossible to build a lasting corporate structure without cultivating a culture among the members of your team. You can do this by:
  1. Defining your team culture

You cannot expect your team to imbibe a culture you have not identified and defined. You need to begin by visualizing the kind of team you want to build. How would you want your team to be distinguished? This is what drives the kind of vision and culture you should idealize for your team.
  1. Communicate the culture to the team

Before you can communicate, you need to document what you would desire your team to represent. As soon as this is done, ensure your team is aware of what you want them to become. This communication must be done continually and set in visible places for intentionality.
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  1. Demonstrate the culture

The best way to cultivate culture is to act it. As leaders, you have more influence over your team than other members, and being a testament and propagator of your culture is the way to begin. You teach the members of your team how to act by simply filling the roles and having them watch you.
  1. Create bonding times

You might not be able to explore all parts of culture until informal settings and circumstances present themselves. You should deliberately create programs where your team can bond outside of the pressures of work, and get to know one another on different levels.
  1. Have clear expectations

Ensure you communicate with your team clearly, what is expected of them. As a result of the new culture, they should be aware of the new deliverables, and what role they play. Let them know the implication of breaking the team’s culture and how important each and every one of the team is in fulfilling the common goal. Your culture does not only separate you from the pack, it becomes your competitive advantage, that drives specific traffic. People know what kind of service to expect from you and your business at every given time. It is a basic requirement if you desire to scale up in business. Featured Image Source: Complete Controller
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