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How To Conquer The Fear Of The Future

  In a quest to have a bright future, many of us get worried about it. We don’t want to end up poor. We don’t want to have a broken home. We don’t want to fall into avoidable life-destroying mistakes. We don’t want to encounter any bad omen whatsoever in the future. These and many other thoughts become our greatest fears. Most often, these fears hamper us from taking risks or appreciating the beauty of today. 
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It is good that you are worried about how your life will turn out in the next ten to twenty years. Many of us don’t know want to end like someone we know. But the more we worry about this, the more we become anxious and hypertensive. In the end, we become emotionally and physically and exhausted. There are cases where these sets of exhaustions cause depression, sickness and death.  Changing your mindset is about carrying out a complete revolution in every area of your life. It is all about the total transformation of your thinking pattern. Most often, our fears for tomorrow are fed by our negative thinking patterns. People who are optimistic or pessimistic about the future are separated by their thinking patterns. For the optimist, he believes in his abilities and talents; he sees the brighter sides of life. While the pessimist asks himself, “what if something bad happens to me?”, but the optimist asks, ” what if something good happens to me?” That is the difference! If you are going to overcome the fear of the future, you must be deliberately chosen to think good of yourself and others. This doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t be careful.  Another way to change your mindset is by overcoming the fear of the past. Your painful past is not a life sentence, it is just a chapter and not the whole book of your life. Face the sun and dream of yourself in the best place in life. Tell yourself that you are not destined for destitution, but you are deserving of happiness, riches, and every good thing life has to offer. Cluelessness is often responsible for anxiety over the future. Walking throughout life without purpose can be frustrating and make you see life from a very dark point of view. The big question you must ask yourself is “what do I truly want from life?”, ” what do I want to become in life?” Discovering your purpose is not as esoteric as we paint it. It is all about using your intellect and gifts in solving world problems and serving mankind. For instance, I want to be a university professor so that with my intellectual power I can solve world problems and mentor and raise the next generation of thinkers. You might want to be a world-class singer so that you can entertain the world, get paid for it, and use part of your wealth to help in solving people’s problems. To live without fear of the future is to live within the purpose of your life.  Another way to live a life without the fear of the future is to seek counsel and mentorship. Seeking the right counsel allows you to talk about your worst fears and get the best advice possible. When you talk about your worst fears to others, you might receive counsel that might send light into that dark area of your life. For instance, you want to go into a field, but you are quite scared or unsure of what it holds for you or if you will succeed in it, therefore, speaking to the right person, especially a successful expert in that field, can give you the right direction to follow. The goal of seeking the right counsel is that you are not carrying your burdens alone. Secondly, having a mentor can give you the necessary platform to take on a new journey with someone who has gone through that path before. A mentor might not be an expert in that new path you are about to take, but he or she is blessed with experience and networks that can help you along the way.
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To overcome the fear of tomorrow is to live deliberately today. It is all about making the right choice that will secure your future. For instance, you don’t want to be poor in life, the question is what do you do over this fear of financial misfortune? The best way to be financially secured is by creating wealth. That means you have to respond to your fears of lack by either creating value or providing solutions to people’s problems. Therefore, this means that you have to do all it has to take to be a solution provider or a value giver. For example, doctors earn millions annually, but they trained themselves to become one so that they can get paid.  The role of spirituality in our lives is numerous. Apart from providing us with a moral compass, it gives us the inner strength to live through life. It also brings us in connection with our Creator who gives us direction and assurances. Being spiritual gives us some form of assurance that we are guided and protected by someone bigger and more powerful than us. It also gives us an anchor to remain strong and focused when faced with challenges.  Embracing your strengths is all about appreciating who you are, it is all about celebrating your gifts, passions, talents, and uniqueness, and using them to live purposefully. However, you need to know your strengths and seek ways in using them to serve the needs of the world. When you have something to wake up to every day, the fear of the future will naturally evaporate.  The life of man is full of battles and victories. One way to live a life without the fear of the future is to remind yourself how far you have come and how you were able to overcome the challenges of the past. This remembrance gives you the strength to face today and tomorrow. Featured Image Source: Third Space
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