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How To Build A Cheaper Food Processor/Preservation Startup

  Building a food processing startup is a completely different mission. In this age of food waste and spoilage caused by poor and inadequate food processing and preservation facilities, as well as poor energy supply, venturing into a food technology company can help solve food waste problems.
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According to Wikipedia, some food processing methods play an important role in reducing food waste and improving food preservation, thus reducing the total environmental impact of agriculture and improving food security. While Britannica defined food preservation as any of several methods by which food is prevented from spoiling after harvest or slaughter. Such practices date back to prehistoric times. Among the oldest methods of preservation are drying, refrigeration and fermentation. Modern methods include canning, pasteurization, freezing, irradiation, and the addition of chemicals.  However, in this article, we will take a look at how to start a food preservation startup. The first step toward building a food processing startup is to specify the kind of product you want to preserve. There are various foods you can preserve. They include fish, meat, vegetable, milk, yogurt, and fruits.  There are various methods of food preservation. They include chilling, sun-drying, smoking, freezing, sugaring, salting, canning, vacuum packing, and so on.
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Hence, you can choose to build a startup that preserves fish through drying, freezing, and smoking.  In a country where the power supply is poor and inadequate, starting and operating a food preservation startup can be expensive. In addition, the acquisition of conservation equipment can be more expensive. Therefore, implementing the use of solar-powered refrigerators, food processors and food dryers can be cheaper and more effective. For example, you can have an engineer build a solar-powered food dryer, the same technique can be applied to build a freezing machine built on batteries and powered by air conditioning gas. The ideal market for food tech companies includes homemakers, restaurant and hotel owners, and people of all walks of life. Food technology companies can also produce processed vegetables and fruits and sell them to food retailers. Running a food technology startup requires the services of food technology experts (nutritionists and veterinarians) who can help execute quality control tasks.
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For example, you need food experts who can help ensure that processed foods are healthy to eat. Growing a food preservation business requires the use of social media. The best social media platforms for food tech companies are Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn. Food technology startups must implement the use of social media ads and other marketing campaigns, as well as create brand stories, and content, and provide the latest business updates and new inventory. In addition, the use of pictorial content on Instagram and Facebook, as well as LinkedIn, can make your social media pages attractive to the audience.

 Closing Remarks

Building a food processing and preservation startup requires passion, experience, determination, and strategy. The food industry is a multi-billion dollar industry, and anyone who provides services that preserve food will help reduce reported food waste annually. Nigeria and indeed Africa have all these natural resources that make food preservation possible. From the natural heat of solar energy, which can run food dryers, to endless cheap gas and biowaste that can run freezers, it is possible to build and operate a more affordable food processing business. Featured Image Source: WSU Labs
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