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How to Be More Effective at Work

Effective– Adequate to accomplish a purpose; producing the intended or expected result; successful in producing a desired or intended result   It’s easy to assume that every executive who is employed in an organization desires to be effective, and knows how to achieve this. After all, they applied for the job, didn’t they? However, close examination of both the employment process and the performance of selected candidates afterward tells a different story. Rather than merely employing officers to do grunt work, many organizations today seek to increase productivity by creating executive positions at entry-level. The goal is to eliminate spoon-feeding by filling positions with qualified people who can take charge and work with minimum supervision. Yet, countless interviewers have told of candidates who didn’t even know what the company did, or what the position they were applying for entailed. Young graduates who just want jobs and aren’t particularly concerned about making a contribution to a company are in the majority today. If you’re an executive who is ready to focus on your own performance, here are a few nuggets to consider: Not doing more than average is what keeps the average down. There ought not to be anything exalted about being an effective executive. Unfortunately, the business world is teeming with executives who spend more time watching the clock, eager to fly out as soon as it signals closing time. This is why the executive who trains himself on effectiveness immediately stands out and attracts high praise. It is not enough to simply show up. Instead of being merely an employee who does the barest minimum, make a decision to actually contribute and improve your organization by serving customers better.
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