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How SMEs Can Deal With Financial Crisis

Corporate Finance Institute

  A financial crisis can happen to any business at any time, however, its worst hit is small and medium scale businesses, because most of them may not have the same financial cushioning as large companies.
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This means that they often don’t have reserves to help them during these difficult times. However, a good number of strategies ranging from protecting your cash flow to building your customer base, implementing a few practices in advance can help save your business, so it survives and even thrives during economic downturns. These strategies should be applied to your business as soon as possible, because the economy is taking a deeper dive, and it will be much harder for you to keep your business afloat without these strategies. Some of these strategies include: During a financial crisis, most small businesses tend to quit marketing, however, it is important that you do whatever you can to stay top-of-mind for customers, and this can be done through continuous marketing. Financial crisis comes with so much stress and distractions, so it is easy for a business to get forgotten or lost in the shuffle. That is why your business has to remain on the minds of your customers, despite the crisis. Whatever means you choose to reach out to your audience, ensure you show the real benefit you offer to their lives, keep your messaging relevant and keep your company’s brand identity front and centre. Maintaining a healthy and steady cash flow during a financial crisis can be tedious and tricky at the same time, because a financial crisis leads to slimmer profit margins. This implies that if the cash flow dries up, that’s likely the end of your business. Therefore, in order to survive such a crisis, it is essential to plan ahead for ways to protect your cash flow. Here are a few tips to protecting your cash flow:
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This is the best time to build real relationships with your customers and show them that you have their back, by treating them with respect and valuing their patronage with your actions. The relationships you build with your customers as you navigate difficult times together can build lifelong customer loyalty. This is actually the wrong time to start trying something different and new. At this point, you should be more concerned with focusing on what is best and more profitable for your business. Drop the extras and focus on how to maintain your brand reputation and image. Small and medium scale business owners are often faced with the chances of giving up, especially during a financial crisis, because of the challenges that come with it. However, a financial crisis doesn’t mean the end of your business. Your small business will need to be agile and flexible to adapt to its new reality, so if you plan, execute well, and keep your focus. You can scale through a financial crisis and come out stronger on the other side. If you want your business to scale through the hurdles of a financial crisis, it is important that you learn from successful competitors. Research your competition and see what you can do differently to entice your customers. Nothing will make your small or medium scale business thrive through financial crisis 100%, but implementing these can help ensure that your business survives tough times and possibly even profits from them. Featured Image Source: Corporate Finance Institute
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