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Going ‘Nuts’’- Discovering Almonds

By Peace Pessu If I were to be an animal, I would most likely be a squirrel, because I love nuts! I am surprised I do not have the acne invasion people presume to be the result of eating nuts. Recently, while visiting a friend, I was served almonds, I ate them and I fell in love with them like a rodent (I sure they won’t mind an additional human family member…lol). They tasted so lovely and I couldn’t get enough! As usual, curiosity got the better of me and I had to do some research to understand this new ‘nutsy’ love I had found. To my amazement I found my discovery of the health benefits were numerous and honestly, if you find out too I bet you would agree with me and ditch a lot of these synthesized supplement stuff. Okay! Enough of the rambling like a squirrel, let me share with you what I discovered about the almond nut: I could go on and on singing the praises of the tastefully nutritious nut if space would let me but I believe the little I have provided is convincing enough to make you try it out for yourself. You could use them in a variety of delicacies and spice up (or should I say, ‘nuts’ up) your daily regular meals.
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