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Foods to Avoid When Having Stomach Pains.

Foods to Avoid When Having Stomach Pains.
Stomach upset is one of the most distressing breakdowns that can happen to a person. It’s caused by different factors like food intolerance, indigestion, food allergies. Also; stress which can lead to constipation, nausea, diarrhoea, bloating, vomiting etc. A constant tummy ache is unhealthy and it is essential to identify the cause. Even though there are medications and diets that give relief to the pain, making the wrong food choice can easily aggravate stomach trouble. So it’s better to recognize the type of food and stay away from when in such pains. Spices Spicy foods are definitely a no-no if you have a stomach bug. If consumed in excess, it can probably lead to stomach inflammation and acidity. The presence of ulcer can also be exacerbated with high intake of spices. If you’re used to eating spicy foods, however, your body can tolerate it and they are all not that bad. Some spices help with digestion like the ‘cinnamon’. Spices you should be wary of are foods such as hot sauce which is hypersensitive to the stomach lining. Junk food. Processed foods or junk more often than not contains lots of chemicals and preservatives which could catalyse stomach upset. You might want to stay away from junk when your tummy hurts. Fatty foods Fatty foods digest slowly and leave you feeling bloated. They can also cause a rise in blood sugar level which leads to sugar cravings and has a negative impact on energy level. Diary While not everyone is lactose intolerant, it is still one of the common food that’s sensitive to the stomach. Dairy products should be eliminated during stomach upset, it causes gas, cramps, diarrhoea and bloating. Caffeine Coffee taken moderately can keep you alert and focused. But the caffeine in coffee is highly acidic and when taken in excess can cause cramping of the abdominal muscles. In addition to keeping sleep at bay, it can also cause anxiety which is unhealthy. Sugar Refined sugar can cause weight gain.  Sweet foods containing processed sugar spikes insulin levels which leave you feeling shaky or sweaty which won’t be good for the situation. Beans Most beans contain complex sugars that can only be broken down by bacteria in the colon, and for people with sensitive, easily irritated bowel, lots of gas will be produced during the fermentation process. It could lead to diarrhoea, cramping and bloating.  
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