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Is What You Don’t Know Killing You?

Photo: Vlad_Chorniy via Shutterstock

Since 2017 began, I have been made more and more aware of the difference a tiny piece of knowledge can make.

Have you ever been faced with a challenge that seemed like a huge impenetrable wall, only to receive a piece of information that suddenly created a doorway in that wall? One minute you don’t know something, the next minute you do, and that makes all the difference!

Just a few days ago the significance of this was brought home to me all over again. My Blackberry went kaput 6 months ago so I finally decided to send it for repairs (I still love Blackberry, please don’t judge me) and it came back reset and updated, “new” and pretty. I quickly deleted the struggle BBM I had been “managing” on my Nokia Lumia and proceeded to set up my account on the Blackberry. That’s where the trouble started.

I tried and tried to sign in with my Blackberry ID, but I kept getting the same message: unable to connect to Blackberry ID server. What a bummer!

After turning the device off and on several times, I Googled the error message and smiled in relief. You know that feeling you get when you Google a challenge and find that many people have also experienced it? Gosh, there should be a special name for it!

So I clicked on the first result and realized only the problem was there: no solution. I started going through them one by one and soon became discouraged. Several people had asked for help with the issue, but not one had come back to say something had worked.

It was quite frustrating for me, especially since I was faced with the prospect of having to reinstall the struggle BBM on my Nokia! I decided to sleep on it, and the next morning I went back on Google. Suddenly I noticed one result I hadn’t clicked on. As I read it, hope flickered in my heart and I quickly set about trying it out.

It worked! All this time I had been stressing and fretting, all that was needed was to do the sign-in over WiFi instead of using my data! I turned off my data, connected to WiFi and instantly I was able to connect to the Blackberry ID server and complete setup.

As the joy of seeing all my old contacts and six-year-old groups restored washed over me, my thoughts invariably turned to other things that I did not know.

For most of us, things like this happen only once in a while. It’s a big deal, that moment when you come across information that causes the proverbial light bulb in your head to go off. Have you ever imagined what it would be like to live like this every day?

Whether we like it or not, the truth is that what you don’t know is holding you back. For every challenge you’re facing be it financial, marital or even health-related, there is something you don’t know. In fact, you’d be surprised how simple the difference between where you are now, and where you want to be, actually is.

I have made a decision to be more deliberate about finding answers.

No matter how unlikely it seems that the answer is out there, you’re not the only one facing the challenge before you. Someone somewhere has asked the questions you are now asking, and gotten answers. What questions will you ask today?

One minute you don’t know, the next you do, and that can make all the difference.

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