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Did You Know? The First Certified Female Neurosurgeon In West Africa Is A Nigerian

Salamat Ahuoiza Aliu-Ibrahim
The celebration of the women ought to be amplified. Countless women have shown that talent, skill, zeal and other virtues are not peculiar to a gender.

Salamat Ahuoiza Aliu-Ibrahim

Simply put, Salamat Ahuoiza Aliu-Ibrahim is a trail blazer. Do you know she is the first female to be certified as a neurosurgeon in the entirety of the West African Region? Given that her area of specialization – especially in Nigeria – has predominantly been male dominated, her being the first woman, to be certified – not just in Nigeria, but West Africa – is something very special. Born in n in 1980, Aliu-Ibrahim attained her certification when she was in her early thirties. Her achievement could be categorized as something surreal; possibly an unusual yet highly commendable feat.
In 2016, 38-year-old Salamat was listed as one of Arewa’s 100 People of the Year.

What’s More to Know About Salamat Ahouiza Aliu-Ibrahim?

[1] Celebrating Salamat Ahuoiza, West Africa’s Frirst female neurosurgeon accessed 3/11/18
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