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Business Growth Tip: Market Your Business for Free |Part One

Business Ideas

Would you like free marketing your business? It’s a brilliant idea– if you can pull it off. As a businessperson, you want to limit your costs as much as you can, while growing your revenues. Free marketing allows you to win on both these fronts. In two articles, we will discuss 21 ways you can market your business without spending a dime. Hopefully, you’ll implement the tips we lay out here, to build the traffic and conversions you’ve always wanted.
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Free eBooks

Create and share a free ebook about a topic related to your niche or industry. For instance, if you run a fashion school, you can make an ebook titled ‘A Beginner’s Guide to Building a Profitable Fashion Business’. Bring your expertise to bear in it. Make sure you refer to your business as well. Then distribute through your website, social media, and email.

Industry Report  

Research your industry and come up with an authoritative report about the state of affairs in it. Create and share that report to grow your (or your business’s) image as an authority in your field.


Webinars have become more popular in the past few months. They offer you an opportunity to share your skills with an audience willing to learn while building your reputation as a trusted resource person in your niche.

Facebook Business Groups

Participate in Facebook business groups, and share your knowledge and business information there. If you make valuable contributions, you’ll be seen as a go-to figure for issues regarding your industry.

Publishing on Linkedin

Publish industry-specific content on Linkedin that demonstrates your expertise in your line of business. Don’t just put up the generic motivational post. Be the voice for your niche on the platform, and get recognized by a large number of potential clients.

Search Engine Optimization

Improve your business website’s rankings with search engine optimization (SEO). Make sure it ranks for keywords that are frequently searched by people interested in content from your industry. The higher your site ranks on the search engine results page, the more traffic it’s likely to get.

Email Marketing

Some email marketing tools (e.g. Mailchimp) will allow your company to send out emails to hundreds of leads at once, for free. If your email marketing campaign is planned and executed well enough, you could get a sizeable number of new customers from that pool.
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Put up posts on social media with trending hashtags relevant to your industry– or something fair enough for you to hop onto. When it’s trending, more people will be looking at the posts with the hashtag, and they will see your posts as well.


You don’t have to pay to set up a blog. Sites like WordPress and WiX provide you with the option of starting a blog for your business for free. You can post products and product descriptions, updates, how-to articles, and other information that may interest the kind of people who may want your services.

Attractive Visuals on Instagram

If you want more people to pay attention to your message, pass it across with brilliant graphics. This works especially on Instagram. If you’re on that platform, don’t just put up pictures of your products. Use well-designed banners bearing catchy lines. Do this consistently, and you’ll see the engagement roll in.

Business Directories

If you list your business on a business directory, you enable more potential customers to find you. They could do so while searching within the directory, or a search engine like Google. You can add your business to Connect Nigeria’s Business Listings for free here.

Customer Testimonials

Encourage satisfied customers to leave positive reviews on your social media and review websites. Also ask them to share their testimonials with you so you could use those on your website, brochures, and other media.

Guest Posting

Write an interesting, informative piece that’s related to your line of business (e.g. ‘Top 10 Cars of the 2000s’ if you are a car dealer), and ask a blog if they can publish it. Make sure to include a bio that describes you and your business. The readers of that article could be your next customers or may lead the customers to you. Final Words All 13 methods of free marketing listed thus far have been effective for the many companies that have applied them appropriately. You can use them, along with the nine we’ll discuss subsequently, to grow your business starting today.   Featured Image Source: Business Ideas
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