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Few things are more attractive, endearing and enjoyable than intelligence combined with a sense of humour. Add top-notch writing skills to that and you have a real trip! ‘ The Dark Corner’ is more than just a blog. It is where brilliant, entertaining, thought-provoking articles, interviews and short stories by Elnathan John come to rest; a splendid assemblage of new and previously published pieces. Elnathan, a writer who trained as a lawyer, has had his work published in ZAM Magazine International, Otis Nebula, Per Contra, and Evergreen Review, in addition to numerous Nigerian publications and newspapers. He also writes a column for Sunday Trust. Like many sites, the layout is simple and easy to navigate. You’ll have no problems enjoying this blog and moving from one post to another, whether you’re using a computer or a handheld device. Of the many reasons we love The Dark Corner, (think side-splitting lines in Nigerian Pidgin, exceptional interviews, and droll commentaries on religion), the satirical “How To” series definitely takes the cake. Elnathan wrote over 40 of these How To articles before wrapping up the series, including How to Show Nigerian Love, How to Participate in the Destruction of Nigeria, How to be a Nigerian Mechanic, and the widely enjoyed How to Worship the Nigerian God. In “How to Behave as a Car Owner in Nigeria”, Elnathan advises, Now that you are a car owner, you need to realise that your status has changed. You need to treat pedestrians with the disdain they deserve. It doesn’t matter that you were once a pedestrian crossing these same streets. You must never think like a pedestrian and do silly things like observing Zebra crossings. Those white lines are there to beautify the road. Speed across them and curse anyone who tries to get in your way. Your neighbours need to feel your presence. They need to see just how your hustle has been blessed. Every morning, remind them by ‘warming’ your car. This process involves waking up at 6 a.m. and revving your car engine loudly until the neighbours wake up to the evidence of your blessed hustle.” We were sad to see this series end, but find consolation in the fact that he has plans to make them into a little book we can all own copies of. Be warned; once you start reading this blog, you may not be able to stop till you’ve read every jot. You also want to pay close attention even in the midst of the hilarity; many a truth is said in jest. Check it out!…Need it? Search it, Find it!
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