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Blog of the Week: Aguntasoolo is Feyi Fawehinmi’s blog. Feyi, who is fondly called “FF” and tweets via @DoubleEph, is an astute observer of life. He is a witness to happenings- both mundane and spectacular- that he believes socially conscious individuals would want to read about, and reporting for this audience is obviously something that gives him pleasure. And, like the hen that cannot resist corn, these readers pounce on each post as soon as it is published, flocking to to appreciate realities like the one described in this excerpt from the latest edition of FF’s “Word on the Streets” series:  “The other day I was going to cut my hair. I got to my barber and saw everywhere was dark. I assumed they had shut so started walking back to my car when someone ran out from inside the darkness and said ‘Oga we dey here o….we off gen to save petrol’” It’s hard to calculate the damage the epileptic power situation is doing to small businesses in Nigeria but the above, narrated by a friend of mine, is an illustration of the kind of choices people have to make. The barbing salon will lose business from people who simply drive past thinking they are shut but the owner has surely tried the other method of leaving the lights on before and probably worked out the cost exceeds the extra custom he might get.” On a lighter note, he muses: “I have also wondered how a single lady might break into the bukateria business. You clearly have to be Iya Something to be taken seriously (Technically, Iya Aje is childless but the word on the streets is that she killed her children and used them for whatever it is that makes her food to sell so well). We might need legislation to smash the ‘married with children’ cabal controlling this sector of our economy.” Being the perceptive man that he is, FF excels at chronicling such random observations for our reading pleasure, and while many follow his blog for this, there is one unique quality, arguably more valuable, that makes a favourite; FF’s ability to impart knowledge. Economics is FF’s forte, and he is not only highly knowledgeable and well-informed, you can also count on him to keep you on the ball when it comes to goings-on in the Nigerian economy. Without being verbose, he somehow manages to break down even the most complicated facts and figures, making them easier to understand. If you’re looking to go into business in Nigeria, or are already an entrepreneur, you should be reading this blog. Actually, you should also recommend this blog to every young person you know. They will learn things here that they may never be able to grasp in school. If you’re neither widely travelled nor widely read, and often find yourself floundering when it comes time to contribute meaningfully to conversations about vital national and global issues, it’s not too late to remedy that. Just go to, click “follow” and dive in. You will find yourself perched on a tall man’s shoulders looking at our beautiful, complicated world- sometimes in dismay, sometimes in wonder, and often in gratitude, as understanding dawns. Check it out!…Need it? Search it, Find it!
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