SME 101: How To Build A Business: What I learned From Kylie Jenner – Part II
8th November 2018
I’m glad you came back for more on what I learned from Kylie Jenner about building a successful business. If you missed the first part of this article, you can catch up here. Now, let’s jump in, the fourth lesson I learned from Kylie is about leveraging resources. Lesson 4: Leverage the Key resources at … Continue reading SME 101: How To Build A Business: What I learned From Kylie Jenner – Part II

SME 101: How To Build A Business: What I Learned From Kylie Jenner
1st November 2018
I am certain you heard that Kylie Jenner was on the August 2018 cover of Forbes magazine. A few things to note about this industrious young lady: Kylie Jenner is just 20 years old. Kylie Jenner is worth an estimated $900m. Kylie Jenner started her business 3 years ago. Kylie Jenner is a 21st Century … Continue reading SME 101: How To Build A Business: What I Learned From Kylie Jenner

SME 101: Do You Want To Launch A Successful Business? (2)
24th October 2018
Welcome back! Last week in sharing with you tips to help ensure you launch a successful business. I told you that your business must leverage your core strengths. Someone with no affinity for numbers should go work in an accounting firm. That’s a no brainer, isn’t it? I also advised that you go into business … Continue reading SME 101: Do You Want To Launch A Successful Business? (2)

SME 101: Do You Want To Launch a Successful Business?
17th October 2018
We live in unparalleled times; times of desperation and turmoil but also times of rare opportunity for unprecedented success. These are times where people go to work on Monday morning, fire up their computers only to discover that they have been yanked off the company network and no longer have a job. Others leave work … Continue reading SME 101: Do You Want To Launch a Successful Business?

SME 101: Top Skills Every Entrepreneur Must Have
24th September 2018
Thought Leader ‘Michael Gerber’ says that entrepreneurs need five core skills: Concentration, Discrimination, Organisation, Innovation and Communication. I agree, but I believe there are some other skills the Nigerian entrepreneur must master to make it in our milieu. Writing from the perspective of a local business run with global best practices, I will chunk the … Continue reading SME 101: Top Skills Every Entrepreneur Must Have

SME 101: Do You Need Money for Your Business?
17th September 2018
When asked, 3 out of 5 (would-be) entrepreneurs will tell you that raising money to fund their business idea is the reason they have not launched out. I beg to differ. Depending on the type of business you want to embark on, you really do not need millions of naira to start. Consider these: Save … Continue reading SME 101: Do You Need Money for Your Business?

SME 101: Before You Jump In
10th September 2018
Recently I read an article by Ian James where he echoed my concern about the fact that many of people leaving our jobs and jumping into entrepreneurship. An unprecedented number of people are launching businesses only to find out that no one really wants what they are selling. Alternatively, starting a business and realizing that … Continue reading SME 101: Before You Jump In

SME 101: Entrepreneur, Live In The Future
5th September 2018
I was recently thumbing through my favorite Instagram accounts, and this thought began to build in my head: “Liz, to survive in today’s business environment, which changes faster than you can spell a nine letter name, you have to live in the future.” Someone once said that to survive as entrepreneurs, we must create the … Continue reading SME 101: Entrepreneur, Live In The Future

SME 101: Five Mistakes Most SMEs Make
29th August 2018
The most notorious minefield any SME will encounter presents itself when they first start up. This minefield is fraught with mistakes and pitfalls that can take your business out. Stepping Out When I decided to step into the entrepreneurial waters after a career in financial services, I believed I would be the best thing since … Continue reading SME 101: Five Mistakes Most SMEs Make