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Achieving Business Visibility Through Strategic Brand Positioning

The Branding Journal

  This is a concept which most people in business try to understand and implement. Brand Positioning is a concept which rings a bell in the mind of every marketer or entrepreneur. It alerts them to the consciousness of securing a place in the heart of their target market.
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Brand Positioning simply refers to the spot your brand occupies in the heart of consumers and the distinguishing point between your brand and other competitors. Brand Positioning broadens your understanding of your customers at a deeper level, as it helps you to understand what your customers truly need through market research. Big businesses have been able to excel today as a result of how well they continually position their brands in the hearts of customers, such that no matter the changing trends, customer loyalty would be assured. The thing is, brand positioning occurs whether or not you consciously position your brand. So why don’t you become intentional about it? Be smart enough to drive the tides in your favour. Having your brand on the lips of satisfied customers/target audience is what every company strives for and this doesn’t happen by chance. Never forget that in advertising, a satisfied customer is the best advertiser. Most people confuse brand positioning with taglines and logos, but this shouldn’t be the case as creating taglines and logos is just a scratch to the full package of brand positioning. The height of brand positioning is attained when your brand is perceived as credible, valuable, and favourable to your customers. There are different brand positioning strategies you could adopt for your business: Customers would be willing to eat from your hand when they feel you serve them better and have their interests at heart. Recall all the times you’ve had to choose one restaurant over another because of better customer service. That’s just how it is. However, having great customer service without quality delivery is like receiving the best treatment in a restaurant with poor food. That’s how bad it can be and believe me, the bad reviews might throw you out of business. In this strategy, you highlight why your product or service is more convenient than that of the competition. It could be because of location, accessibility, ease of use, etc. This strategy showcases your product or service as the most affordable and would generate customer influx because people don’t want to spend much especially when they can help it. However, this strategy might make customers misinterpret your product or service as being of low quality.
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Here, you sell your brand as unique by highlighting its key features. This entails emphasizing the quality nature of your product and how it stands out in providing unadulterated satisfaction. These and many more are strategies you could adopt to position your brand. How then can you create a Brand Positioning Strategy?

1. Research

The place of research in brand positioning is indispensable without a doubt. To position your brand, you have to work with facts. You need to know where you stand currently in the market, who your customers are and what they need, where your competitors are and what they are doing. Finally, you need to understand your strengths and how you can stand out to provide greater value.

2. Create A Positioning Statement

With all you’ve learnt through research, you can now go ahead to write your positioning statement. According to The Cult Branding Company,
“A positioning statement is a one- or two-sentence declaration that communicates your brand’s unique value to your customers in relation to your main competitors.”
This statement should encompass what your brand stands for, your target audience and their needs, how you can meet these needs/create value and who your competitors are, and how you stand differently from them.

3. Evaluate Your Positioning Statement

Creating your positioning statement is not the end of it as you have to test, experiment, evaluate, survey, and gather feedback from your customers as regards how effective your positioning is. In all, be unique, be different and create value! Featured Image Source: The Branding Journal
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