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8 Tips to Guide You in Changing Your Career

Changing careers can be rewarding, especially if you don’t enjoy your current job (for some reasons). However, it comes with its challenges too as you’ll have to make sacrifices which may involve some personal and financial risk. Here are 8 tips on how you can successfully change careers. 1. Research. Before moving from one career to another, it is important that you get details on the trends in the career industry you wish to change into. Find out the qualifications, skills, and experience needed to secure a job in that career field. You can do this by talking to people who are accomplished in that career field. 2. Evaluate. Evaluate your current skills. Make a list of your skills and determine if they are relevant in the career industry you wish to move to. For example, if you choose to become a legal practitioner for an oil company, this may be easier than applying for a different career field in that oil company. Why? Because there are thousands of Engineering-oriented candidates who are applying for a position other than a legal position in that oil company. 3. Analyze. Take a good look at your current goals. What is your motivation for a career change? What is most important to you? Do you want better pay, challenging work, or independence? Why do you want to change careers? What don’t you like about your current job? Will you face the same issues in your new career? Can you make your present career more satisfying before deciding to move to another? Tell you what, if your current goals and values suit your next career prospects, you’ll likely be more successful in that career. 4. Acquire. Acquire the right skills for your new job or career. Take short courses relevant to your new career field. Get a relevant degree or diploma. Get the training required. Take professional exams. Acquire relevant certifications. For example, if you want a top banking position, then you must have at least professional membership of the Chartered Institute of Bankers of Nigeria (CIBN). 5. Network. Never underestimate the power of networking with people when changing careers. People in your network can alert you to job openings and they can recommend you to other people they know that can help. Thus, build you own personal Board of Directors. By that, I mean, a group of professionals within your own network that you meet with (either via email, by telephone, or a physical meeting) to discuss career matters once in 3 to 6 months. 6. Structure. Structure your CV/resume and cover letter to suit the relevant career industry and job position you desire. Include the new skills, training and qualifications you’ve acquired that are relevant to pursuing this new career. Summarize your experiences that are only needed for the job position and career industry. During the interview, highlight your background that is most relevant to the new career. 7. Adapt. Adapt your presentation at the job interview to the relevant areas of your career history. Avoid providing unnecessary details about your previous job or career that may not apply to the job position or new career. Highlight your interests and hobbies that fit in well to the current job position and career industry. 8. Relate. Provide the right answers to job interview questions. Do your research well about the company, the industry, the employer, its goals, its achievements, its failures, etc. Prepare your own interview questions to ask the employer or interviewer. Don’t be afraid to ask questions, but only do so when invited by the interviewer to ask. You can also send a thank you letter after the interview, expressing your appreciation for the time taken.
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