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7 Powerful Lessons Businesses Can Learn From Religious Organisations In Nigeria To Boost Sales And Optimise Growth.

  Religion is the opium of the masses. This is very true as there are so many people who can’t do without religion. Religious organisations have successfully drawn to themselves a high following and great multitudes. For example, there are over 2billion Christians in the world and over 70 million in Nigeria. Some churches in Nigeria have as high as 100,000 and 5 million members in their folds. More so, some churches in Nigeria have as high as 50,000 branches nationwide. This has made them influential, powerful and feared in the country and across the world. There are so many lessons businesses can learn from these religious organisations. In this article, I will show you seven strategies of religious organisations which businesses can adopt to stay influential, progressive and powerful. 
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  1. Create A Movement
Religious organisations have always stayed influential by creating new movements that are appealing to a large number of people. Movement for religious organisations simply means doctrines and ideologies which have often become their identity. For example, there are Pentecostal movements, charismatic movements and what-have-you. Religious organisations use movement to tell stories and sell themselves. The lesson that lies therein, businesses can stay ahead and influential by selling a new message that can appeal to a wide range of people. This movement can come in form of telling the world that they are out for innovation, quality, or an amazing work ethic. For instance, Henry Ford promoted Fordism, a new business model that favoured affordable automobiles, ‘commonization’ of luxury and better working conditions.
  1. Have A Public Figure.
Religious organisations thrive because there is one man or woman that is recognised as the face of the organisation. This figure is also influential and powerful and his words are the law. This is common across all religious organisations. There is a personality who drives the movement. The personality is vocal and outspoken about the ideology or doctrine. He is so motivating that many look up to him for guidance and direction. Several influential business leaders have successfully replicated this cult of personality leadership. They include Steve Jobs, Elon Musk, Henry Ford, John D. Rockefeller and so on. You can use various platforms to push your personality as a leader. It could be through new and traditional media.
  1. Have A Collective Vision And Mission 
Successful religious organisations are driven by a collective vision and mission. Their vision and mission sound divine and full of hope and ideal in nature. Churches, for example, are driven by what they call a “mandate.” These mandates could be building one million churches across the nation in 5 years or converting 10 million people in 2 years. And interesting enough they deploy all the necessary resources and manpower to pursue their vision and mission. Business leaders can learn from religious leaders in pursuing a far-reaching mandate of wider coverage. 
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  1. Have A Consistent Message.
Religious organisations are known for one or a set of messages. For example, some churches are known for prosperity messages, some are known for holiness and righteousness messages, and others are known for spiritual warfare messages. These churches have been able to use their distinct messages to create a unique brand and identity for themselves whilst attracting a huge following. Therefore, business leaders must look within and craft a message they want to be known for and remain consistent with it. 
  1. Use Testimonies To Build Credibility And Validation.
Without testimonies, religious organisations will not thrive. A church that is bereft of testimonies will soon lose its popularity. Testimonies are evidence of the benefits of being a member of a particular church group. Moreover, churches indulge in using testimonies as a way of building credibility and validation. This is a strategy businesses must learn to stay ahead and relevant. Take into serious consideration the reviews of existing customers and use them as a means of business campaigns and marketing strategy. The outside world must see the goodness of your brand through the testimonies of existing customers.
  1. Engage In Rituals.
Many world religions have used rituals to maintain devout audiences over thousands of years. For example, monthly vigils, weekly services, annual conventions and so on, are mediums in which religious organisations keep in touch with their followers and expand their followership. As a business leader, you can choose to have monthly get-togethers with clients or have social media hangouts where you can give customers gifts or share insightful information with them.
  1. Use Slogans To Build Popularity
Religious organisations indulge in slogan chanting. The impact of using a slogan is diverse: for the company it keeps them focused on their vision and mission. Also, they use slogans to sell their stories and popularise their brands. For customers, it gives them a sense of belonging, a medium for expressing hope, aspirations, and faith in the power of their beloved brand. Featured image source:
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