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6 Steps to Break Your Worrying Habit

The Oxford Dictionary defines worry as thinking continuously about unpleasant things that might happen or about problems that you currently have.  It is an unhealthy mental habit that can be destructive. For some of us, we are so accustomed to worrying that we have come to the conclusion that it’s an inborn trait. This assumption couldn’t be any farther from the truth. No human is born a worrier; worrying is a habit that you have acquired over time. However, the good news is that, like any habit that has been formed over time, you can cast worrying away from your mind.  Worry remains a factor in the causes of prevalent diseases like arthritis, high blood pressure and sometimes ulcer. Imagine someone coming up to you, putting their fingers around your neck and squeezing it so tight that you start to choke; that is a vivid demonstration of what you do to yourself when you are addicted to worrying. Just as the English banker, statesman, and naturalist Sir John Lubbock said, “A day of worry is more exhausting than a week of work.” So, since we know that worry poses so much danger to your health and well-being, the best course of action is to break the worry thread NOW! Below are steps that can rescue you from being a worry victim. 1. Believe you can break the habit Ronnie Lott said “if you believe it, the mind can achieve it”.  There is practically nothing you can’t do as long as you put your mind to it and believe it. Believing in your ability to break this constant habit is the first step. This belief will pull you through when it seems like the rescue road has become tough. Say “I believe I can be worry free” to yourself every morning for a dedicated period of time. 2. Empty your mind daily You became a worry victim because you consciously or unconsciously give yourself to worry every time you have the opportunity. So, to free yourself, you must consciously stop your mind from worrying. From time to time, empty your mind of everything, imagine all of your worries flowing out of your mind like water. Then fill it with words of hope, strength and grace. Imagine yourself clearing out bad food from your fridge and putting in fresh ones. 3. Maintain positive lips Words from your lips are very powerful. Trying to stop worrying while you say negative things will not help. As you imagine yourself exchanging worry thoughts for hopeful thoughts, say this positive things to yourself things like “I don’t have to worry, I’ve got this”  “I believe I can do it” “Nothing is impossible” 4. Avoid worry discussions To stay sane and remain free of the worry life, it is important to avoid worry filled conversations. If you clear your mind of worry at night, it is not wise for you to fill it with worry during the day. Like misery, worry also enjoys company. If you get caught in a worry filled conversation, excuse yourself, take a minute to re-affirm positive thoughts, then try as much as possible to leave the worry conversation. 5. Befriend Optimists Surrounding yourself with hopeful and optimistic people cannot be over emphasized when it comes to being worry-free. Being around people with possibility mentality will help you stay hopeful. 6. Attack apprehensive thoughts One reason that you worry a lot is because your mind is bombarded with apprehensive thoughts and thoughts of defeat. You have to attack these thoughts. The moment you get apprehensive, think of something beautiful and bright and focus on it. Say something hopeful and positive to yourself, and as time goes by, your mind subconsciously switches worry for optimism. Although you will be tempted to worry sometimes, your mind will be conditioned to find hope in hopeless situations.   About the author: Chris Bamidele is a passionate and unapologetic Nigerian, who believes in God and humanity. He is a writer, blogger, and an aspiring Television Director; and an optimist to the core. He blogs at and tweets @Chrisbamidele.
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