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6 Benefits of Drinking Cucumber Water

Six Benefits of Drinking Cucumber Water -
If you’re the type that doesn’t like drinking water because you find it boring then you’re not alone. In as much as we know it’s important to take water to keep our body hydrated and not take it only when we are thirsty, it just seems like a chore to keep drinking something that’s plain and tasteless all the time. I got to know about a new trick to solve that problem and since I love my neighbor as myself I would love to share it. It’s called cucumber-infused water. Okay, what’s the big deal about cucumber you ask? Well, not only does it make drinking water tastier with a refreshing flavor; it gives more health benefits than plain old’ water and makes staying hydrated interesting. It keeps your bones and blood healthy, helps your body fight free radicals and makes your overall look even better. Once you try it out, cucumber water will definitely be one drink you’d want to take whether you are thirsty or not. Here are the great benefits of drinking cucumber water:
Cucumber water helps your body stay hydrated
Our body is made up of about two-thirds of water, so it’s important to drink enough water daily to stay healthy and hydrated to keep this balance. Cucumber veggie also contains about 95 percent water, this already makes the cucumber hydrating by itself, Cucumber is also known to help with maintaining the right body temperature.
It’s good for your skin and body
Cucumber water helps with cleansing toxins out of the body thus producing a more rested feeling. I read that the silica and antioxidants helps skin stay clear, smooth and supple. By adding cucumber to water it gives extra nutrients that help keeps your skin beautiful and healthy. You can also wash your face with cucumber water and even more add it to your regular beauty routine to help clear blemishes and calm skin irritation.
Cucumbers help with Stress
Cucumbers contain many vitamins, including Vitamin B, B1, B5, and B7. These vitamins are known to help fight anxiety and stress
Drinking cucumber water helps muscles
Next time you’re going to the gym add a few slices to your drinking water. It’s good to take this drink when working out and doing strenuous exercises. Cucumbers contain silica a trace mineral necessary in the repair of muscle tissues.
Cucumber is low in calorie
An entire cucumber is an average of about 45 calories, so a few slices to your water is not really that many additional calories. Studies have also shown that an increase in your intake of cucumber water might also help you lose weight reducing water retention throughout your body.
It fights free radicals
Cucumber water adds extra vitamins and minerals and several flavonoid compounds which all act as antioxidants that seek out and destroy free radicals. These substances can cause diseases such as diabetes, cancer and heart diseases. Cucumber water can help supplement your diet; the more you take, the more nutrients you receive.  
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