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5 Ways To Change Your Perspective And Achieve The Impossible

motivation concept. I can not change to I can

Perspective is everything. It determines how you view yourself and life in general. The long and short meaning of perspective means viewpoint, philosophy, opinion, ideology, outlook, attitude, belief, understanding, knowledge, conviction and so on. The big truth is this: Your perspective can either make or ruin you. Perspective is everything. It can stand in the way of your progress and dreams or can be the very thing that fires you up for progress. The difference between the wealthy and the rest of the world is their perspectives. The difference between two people who are faced with the same challenge, and one sees difficulty, the other sees opportunity is hinged on their varying perspectives. There is a perspective view of self, money, education, marriage, religion, leadership, friendship, and even God. Everything lies and falls on perspective. There are good and bad perspectives. If you are going to see the desired change in your life, if you want to be a success, if you want to be part of the ultra-wealthy and powerful, you must change your perspective. In this article, I write about how to change your perspective and see yourself as the impossible.
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The first path towards transforming your perspective is redefining yourself, and your being. What you call yourself, is who you are. If you call yourself a “loser”, you will become one. If you call yourself a ” winner”, you will become one. Self-sabotage is the reason why many people die as failures and destitute. The greatest people who have entered the Hall Of Fame Of Success, at one point redefined themselves. Even amid prevailing unpalatable circumstances, they did not define themselves by their circumstances. They first called themselves heroes before the world did. The road to doing the impossible begins with celebrating yourself. It begins with self-respect. It begins with changing your name, your identity and your individuality. Most of the wealthy people we celebrate today were born in poverty. What changed? They changed their mindset about themselves. When you redefine yourself, it has a way of influencing your thoughts and changing your worldview.  One philosopher stated that  “You become what you look at for long.” This statement is very true. From the concept of “worldview”, you can derive the terms “world”, which consists of living and non-living things, and “view” which means sight. Therefore, we become what we focus our gaze on. The big truth is this: “your eyes are gateways to your mind and heart”. Little wonder, the Bible says, “set your eyes on things above”, because your sight determines your vision, and your vision determines the course of your life. Furthermore, when you admire heroes and kings, it has a way of motivating you to be like them. Therefore study your idols, and role models: watch the way they compose themselves, and study the secrets behind their success. Apart from admiring heroes, watching and admiring nature – the flowers, the birds, the seas, and all things around including buildings – will infuse in you a sense of gratitude. Gratitude has a way of making you optimistic about life. 
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Our environment influences our perspective. Being in the midst of people or a group that has poor or limited perspectives about life can negatively impact our perspectives. According to Myles Munroe, a lion amid a sheep will become a sheep, and a sheep amid lions will become a lion. Environment determines our perspective. Little wonder, the Bible says, ” evil company corrupts good manners”. The company you keep or the environment you find yourself in shapes your perspective about life. Therefore, you have to be deliberate about your environment and the company you keep, it can shape your perspective. In the age of social media, joining a positive and productive community will go a long way in reforming you.
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Successful people are a product of doctrines, ideologies, and principles. These doctrines, ideologies, and principles are found in materials – written and oral. Therefore, if you want to do the impossible, change your thinking and renew your mind with materials such as self-help, motivational books, podcast, videos, movies, newspapers, magazines, biographies, music etc. What we read and watch can shape our mindset and transform our perspective from either good to bad, and vice versa. Materials that you read, listen to, and watch can either transform or pollute your life. The only way the good in your mind or your dreams can materialize and become a reality is by taking action. You don’t need to launch out big time or take big risks. All you need to do is to take a little step at a time. Know your strengths and weaknesses. Set your goals according to your strengths, and seek help according to your weakness. Having a plan is the best way to do the impossible. It might sound simple, but it’s not. However, having a plan will give you direction. Taking action also means asking questions of those who have achieved their dreams.  Featured Image Source: Call Centre Helper
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