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5 Rebranding Strategies For Small Businesses

Tweak Your Biz

  No business can thrive without sound and healthy branding. A brand can be defined as a company’s identity or better still how people perceive a company. When the name of a company is mentioned, what comes to people’s minds is known as brand.
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Your brand is your company’s culture. It’s imperative that your brand is seen in a good light and it’s always in their minds and hearts. Rebranding is a way to grow your business innovatively. If you’re experiencing low sales it’s high time you rebranded your business. In this article, I’m going to show you five up-to-date rebranding strategies for your small business.
  1. Think And Adopt A New Identity For Your Business

What will your brand be known for? It’s left to you to answer this hard question. Will your brand be known for luxury, innovation, class, affordability, top-notch taste etc? What will come to the mind of people when they see or hear the name of your business? For example, anytime I hear or see Tesla, what comes to my mind is innovation and the company of the future. Seeing GTBank informs me of a new generation bank with top-notch services.
  1. Make Changes And Change Processes Known

When you’re rebranding, your customers will be able to identify the old you and the new you. The difference between the old and the new logo of the business should be palpable to customers. Even if you’re aren’t changing the name of your company, the fonts, objects should be classier than the previous.
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  1. Research Your Consumers

When making rebranding decisions, it’s imperative that your customer base are carried along. Getting feedback from customers can help you see more perspectives towards your branding decisions. You can use this opportunity to include a new demographic which can help give your brand larger awareness.
  1. Turn Your Employees And Customers Into Brand Ambassadors

It was Henry Ford who said that ”treat your workers nice, and they’ll treat your business nice.” This is true to a very large extent, that’s why in your rebranding endeavour, it’s expedient that workers are made brand ambassadors of your business. On the other hand, Jeff Bezos stated that the best way to popularize your brand is through your customers. In this way, you need both customers and employees to propagate your business. You can do this by giving t-shirts and sweatshirts that have the company’s logo to customers and employees. This is one of the cheapest ways to spread your brand.
  1. Seek Inspiration From Others

If you’re finding it difficult to rebrand your business or you want something that will take the market by storm, but you don’t know how to go about it, it’s advised that you look to other big companies for inspiration, especially companies of similar industry. However, you can also look to others outside your Industry. Featured Image Source: Tweak Your Biz
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