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5 Apps to Help Check Your Expenditure

If ever there was a time when one needs to be prudent in spending, that time is now. But money management is not really a strong suit for most people. So here are 5 apps to help you check your spending.


Are you an entrepreneur? This app is for you. Expensify helps you track your budget, office procurement, hotel payment and other recurrent expenditure. You can also track purchases made using cash, a bank account or a credit card — Expensify accepts credit cards from a variety of major banks as well as smaller, regional banks. It’s available on Android, iOS and windowsOs.


Mint helps you personalize your budget, by connecting to your bank account and making use of your details. Mint creates a budget for you with numerous spending categories and warns you when nearing your set limit. Available on iOS, Android and Windows OS.


This app is especially useful for individuals with irregular income as it helps you keep track of income that is not routine. Available on iOS and Android.


Levelmoney helps your planning in such a format that it gives you the maximum amount to spend daily after subtracting your recurrent expenses and saving from your income. Available on iOS and Android.

You Need A Budget (YNAB)

Well, the name says it all. YNAB is interested in creating a budget that you can easily keep to. It uses four rules to do this: plan for infrequent expenses, learn to live on last month’s income, give every dollar a job and roll with the punches if you overspend. It’s available on Android and iOS.

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