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4 Helpful Facts About Bad Breath You Need to Know

No one likes chronic bad breath, popularly referred to as “mouth odour”, and that’s why we all need to know what causes it and how it can be avoided. In the 1920s, the condition – which is scientifically called Halitosis – was officially considered a health ailment. This shows how serious the issue is. With this in mind, here are four simple facts to learn about it: 1. Blame your tongue: This organ is usually the primary site of halitosis-causing oral bacteria and their waste. This waste is referred to as Volatile Sulfuric Compounds (simply known as VSC). The bacteria also hide out between your teeth and under your gums; hence the need for effective dental hygiene. 2. Dieting can be a factor: Be sure to elevate your mouth hygiene when next you’re on a diet or fast. Your body burns fat when it’s starving and that releases a ketone-induced smell in your breath. 3. Saliva is your friend: Plenty of it. When your mouth gets severely dry, you might be experiencing xerostomia, a condition caused by lowered salivary production. This, dear readers, also causes bad breath. 4. Alcohol, tobacco and coffee are not: These products – along with some medications – are the main culprits of mouth dryness and should be avoided at all costs.   Do pass this on to educate someone!  
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