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3 Simple Steps to Boost Your Marriage Now

  There are many articles you can read to help deal with major issues in your marriage; there are even courses you can take to help pull your marriage from the brink. However, sometimes all you need is to infuse your marriage with doses of important vitamins to get the fire burning again. Here are 3 quick moves in the right direction: 1. Touch each other: This is something you can start doing right now, and it isn’t about sex. As babies, touch was one of the first love languages we learnt; till today, mothers are encouraged to bond with their babies by touching and holding them. As adults, touch continues to be important in the bonding process, and it’s a vital tool for injecting new life into your marriage. Hugs, back pats, hand squeezes, etc. send a message of love to your spouse, enhancing intimacy. 2. Spend time together: When was the last time both of you spent time together as a couple? Life gets so busy, to do lists seem endless and “us time” gets lost in the sea of reports, diapers, bibs and homework. Still, you can’t afford not to create time. Remember how you “catch feelings” for someone when you start spending a lot of time with them? It applies in marriage as well. You can fuel your love and affection by simply being together. It doesn’t necessarily have to be a date; watching TV, playing games or reading to each other also count, as long as you’re together. So get the kids in bed early, get off social media and spend some time together. 3. Hang out with other couples: There is something refreshing about being in the presence of like-minded couples; people who love each other and are committed to making their marriages work. If you can’t plug into a couples’ fellowship in your church, try making friends with just one couple. Whether they’re older or younger, you are bound to learn a thing or two, and come away with fresh determination to nurture and protect what you have. Take your vitamins and have fun!  About the author: Joy Ehonwa is a writer, editor and online proofreader who is passionate about relationships and personal development. She runs Pinpoint Creatives, a copy-editing, ghostwriting and transcription business, and blogs at and  
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