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3 Questions That Will Help You Find Your Dream Job

Dream job concept. Job search and employment. Magnified glass with job classified ads in newspaper, 3d illustration

“Man know thyself”. This famous aphorism has been credited to Plato, the 5th century BCE Greek philosopher, and has in fact been echoed by millions of philosophers to this day. Knowing yourself begins with asking yourself hard questions. It is a well-known fact that discovering your life path is one of the most difficult bridges we must cross. And even at some point in our lives, we were at crossroads over what career path to take. It can be painfully confusing. 
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Unfortunately, many people didn’t ask themselves questions before journeying on a career path. They are frustrated in their current position. There are also those who as a result of peer pressure or family influence chose the career they find themselves in and aren’t happy either. The big truth is this: nobody can know you more than you do. Therefore, knowing your dream job is solely yours to decide. You know your strengths and weaknesses and you know your likes and dislikes. In this article, I want to help you make the right choice when it comes to choosing a dream job that will certainly suit you. I will help you with 3 questions that will guild you in your career journey. The best advice I will give anyone who wants to make a decision on what dream job he or she should pursue, I would say you should take that decision according to your strengths. According to a Gallup study, people who use their strengths and like what they’re doing are 127% more productive than the average employee! It makes sense. Therefore, ask yourself, “what am I naturally good at?” It could be mathematics, programming, writing, storytelling, teaching, organising people, cooking, painting, etc. This is all about identifying that task or talent or gifting that makes you feel powerful, that makes you feel every sense of endless possibilities like you are in a magical state. You might want to ask, “how do I know my strengths?” All you need to do is:
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For starters, the core value is a principle or belief that a person or organization views as being of central importance. Do you value independence, adventure, and risk-taking? You might not want to get a desk job. Or what if you value family, relationships, and security? Perhaps you’ll find your best-fit working from home, or at an office nearby with flexible work hours. Your core values shape your career direction. For instance, if you love exploration and adventure, your career path should allow you to travel and visit places and meet people, thus, a career as a travelling agent, Teacher, Tour guide, Photographer, Firefighter, Park ranger, Scuba diver, Marine biologist, Aircraft pilot, Engineer, Travel writer, Wildlife biologist, Filmmaker, Photojournalist, Yoga instructor, Airline Pilot, etc. However, your choice must be subject to your strengths. Likewise, believing in a cause can shape your career path. For example, if you are an advocate of a greener world, you might find yourself wanting to work in an industry that protects the environment.
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Do you feel a sense of higher purpose? Doing something that aligns with your sense of purpose will help you work in a career that makes you happy. Knowing what inspires you is like finding out what you’re angry about in the world. For instance, if the rate of illiteracy in your community makes you angry and you want to do something about it, being in the educational sector or going into politics where you can effect change is the best place to address the malaise. Another example is the rate of gun crimes in your community, which can inspire you to pursue a career in the security or defense industry. So, what angers you the most in the entire world? And who’s doing the best job of solving that problem? When you tap into your strengths, figure out your core values, and contribute those to a purpose that inspires you, then you’ve found your dream job. Featured Image Source: Vunela
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