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3 Fun and Engaging Things You Can Do This Weekend

It is the weekend and ‘Lagos is boring’ they say. We complain about all the things we do not have, but sometimes forget about the simple and available things there are for us to do. Many of our best experiences in life have more to do with the company we kept and how we felt than ‘where we were’. Here are a few things you can do this weekend that aren’t cost intensive and can also keep your brain engaged! 1. Read a new book       Pop down to Terra Kulture or any bookshop near to you and find a new book. For those who hate reading, remember there are books of every kind of genre you can imagine! Fiction, non-fiction, travel, thrillers, biographies, comics, history; the list is endless. Pick a topic that excites you and find a book that covers it! The best part about reading is that you can choose your setting. If you like, grab a quick snack and snuggle up in the living room, find a bench and enjoy it under a tree, or hit the beach and read while your feet are immersed in the sand. 2. Spend a day in a local town or city   If after the first point, you are not tantalized and reading is still not something you see as interesting, you may be more of an active person so why not try visiting a nearby town or city that you haven’t been to before? It doesn’t have to be an overnight venture, you can leave in the morning and come back the same day. Do some research and find out what places are closest to you and what attractive sites they may have there. Carry a camera along and perhaps some snacks too. Who knows what you may discover and what you may learn about your country! 3. Create a scrapbook with family or friends      I am quite sentimental so I LOVE scrapbooks, they tell great stories! I recently found NYSC pictures from my youth service year in 2010 and was overwhelmed with both joy and nostalgia. I began thinking about where and how I was then, and then looked at who I’ve evolved into now. Scrapbooks are a way that you can hold on to memories and things you value at any point in your life through pictures, words and images. Invite a friend over, or call family time, gather newspapers, magazines, and old photos, scissors, glue and either a notebook or cardboard and get going! Include your values, your favourite moments, lessons you learn, your role models, life quotes, your goals and anything else that symbolizes encouragement, hope and strength to you. Weekends are for reflecting, unwinding, and regaining strength to continue on this sometimes too fast race that we call life. Spend them doing activities you love, bearing in mind that life is short; do things outside of your typical routine, do something that will make you experience life in another way, and also learn in a different way too. Have a great weekend and share any other ideas of fun and educative things people can do over the weekend.   About the author: Elizabeth Ayoola is a vibrant writer and spoken word artist who enjoys discussing an array of topics ranging from personal development, to social issues. She manages a spoken word website, as well as a blog about her experiences living in Nigeria at You can find her on Twitter @beepoetic.
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