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10 Signs You Are Addicted to Coffee

The benefits of drinking coffee has now proven to go beyond being just an energy booster. Taking coffee daily can work amazing wonders for your body, skin and health. This is because it is extremely high in antioxidants and contains some essential nutrients. It is also the biggest source of caffeine, a stimulant that increases activity in the brain and causes a short term boost in energy levels. But dear coffee lovers, there is something called drinking too much coffee because the effect of too much caffeine in your system starts to show immediately. Studies have shown that a moderate coffee intake is drinking between 2 – 4 teacups a day. That much coffee for a day keeps you alert and increases your ability to concentrate. Taking more than that can cause anxiety, insomnia, muscle tremors, increased heart rate, high blood pressure and more. So, if you start to show at least five of the symptoms listed below, laugh and take a coffee strike! 1. It is one of the first things you think of as soon as you wake up in the morning. 2. You wake up in the middle of the night to realize that you are out of coffee. The feeling you have is similar to the one you have when you have just woken up from a horrible nightmare. 3. You hear things. It is usually the wind speaking. 4. It means so much to you when your partner knows how you like your coffee. You feel so in love when he/she has it memorized. 5. When someone asks, “How are you?”, and you say something like, “Good to the last drop.” 6. Your level of coffee consumption per day determines your mien. Those closest to you know that when your attitude is calm and nice, you haven’t had much coffee… yet but when your attitude is otherwise, they understand that the coffee is at work. 7. You don’t say much or you utter incoherent sentences before you’ve had your coffee. 8. You read this post just for the fun of it because for you, there is nothing like too much coffee. 9. You have a cup of steaming coffee in your hands and when you are asked, “How many cups of coffee have you taken already?, you say, “I can’t remember” 10. “Coffeemate” is the appropriate new word for that person who truly gets you.              
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