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Why Every Woman Needs A No Make-up Day



Over the years, women got so used to wearing makeup to achieve a cultural standard of beauty. These make-up items help to enhance certain features and hide others, thus portraying a perfect face figure.

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There are various reasons why women wear makeup, however generally makeup that gives women red lips, flawless skin, captivating eyes, and a bit of blush all increase attractiveness, at least from a biological and cultural standpoint.

Clearly, there are strong incentives for women to wear makeup in the workplace because it doesn’t just increase one’s attractiveness but also increases a woman’s confidence.

However, in as much as makeup increases your attractiveness, it is important for a woman to have a No-Makeup day where you feel comfortable and confident in your skin and appearance without camouflage or enhancements.

Reasons why every woman needs a no make-up day

Your Face Needs to Rest

Giving to the fact that your face constantly receives various kinds of makeup products, the various kinds of powders and foundations your face accommodates each day needs a break so it doesn’t break out eventually.

Hence, it is important that you give your face some kind of rest for your skin to breathe and take a break from the hustle.

Proper Care

When your face experiences certain issues such as pimples and acne, you ignore the fact that your face needs proper care and most times apply makeup consistently to hide all the blemishes.

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Taking a break from make-up gives you the opportunity to properly treat your skin and take proper care of your face.

Gives you a more natural look

It’s no doubt that excessive use of make-up can cause you to age faster with various signs of wrinkles, spots, and acne scars.

For this reason, it is important to consistently have a no make-up day where you can feel comfortable and confident in your natural look.

Confidence Booster

Inasmuch as makeup increases your confidence, there is nothing as amazing as a woman who is confident in her natural skin.

Sometimes, we get so used to makeup so much so that we often discard the idea of leaving the house without it. It’s time to eliminate that toxic mindset and accept your naturally beautiful assets by ditching the lashings or foundation and mascara for a day or two.

Having a no make-up day gives you the opportunity to grow your confidence level. Over time, you’d get used to leaving your house without makeup and realize that people really aren’t that bothered about whether you have completely flawless, pore-free skin.

Reduces Frequent breakouts

As stated earlier, excessive use of makeup items can cause frequent breakouts which is unhealthy for your skin.

Generally, breakouts are formed by clogged pores, and makeup can cause more clogged pores. This is because inasmuch as foundations create a perfect blemish free look, most of the oils found in most makeup items nestle in the pores, causing unwanted inflammations and infections that can take up to a week to clear.

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Therefore, it is important to take a break from make-up as this will reduce the frequent breakouts for your skin.


Generally, you need a facial balance in your life. With constant use of makeup, people tend to get used to your face on makeup and they accept the fact that you can’t do without makeup.

This is why you need a facial balance as you don’t always want to be seen as the diva on makeup each day.

A no make-up day will give you that balance and you’d realize that sometimes looking as simple as you can is all the makeup you need in the world.

Conclusively, without makeup, a woman can still look beautiful and feel comfortable and confident in her natural skin.

Therefore, beauty cannot be judged by constant use of makeup and the amount of power and foundations applied on your face.

Give your face the break it deserves by ditching your makeup for at least a day.

Featured Image Source: Pixabay
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