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What to do When Bleaching Goes Wrong

Nigeria has recorded a high percentage of women using skin lightening lotions and creams. Despite the #blackisbeautiful and #melaninpopping trending all over social media platforms encouraging people to love their skin, there’re people who still think that the #Lightskinned is worth it. Hence, they buy toning creams and lotions to help them achieve the desired shade. However, these toning creams are not without side effects.They contain toxic elements very hazardous to the skin such as mercury a metal that blocks the production of melanin which gives the skin its colour, it also causes eczema, skin pigmentation and in extreme cases Cancer and kidney failure. My aunt who used to have the worst case of skin irritation due to use of skin lightening products is making impressive progress in restoring her skin to its original health using the methods I’ll be sharing soon. It’ll be a slow process but with time and patience, the skin will eventually heal. So here’s the how to
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