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Top 20 Road Safety Tips for Everyone

The road bears different categories of users- the pedestrians on foot, roller-skates and skateboards, the cyclists on bicycles and motorbikes, and the motorists in cars, buses and trucks. Since we all are road users, the responsibility of safety and maintenance of the road falls on us. Occurrences of ghastly road accidents have left families in devastating forms. It is of great value then to adhere to road safety measures to prevent or reduce possible dangers faced by road users. These precautionary measures include:
  1. Everyone should obey traffic lights. Red light means stop, yellow means ready and green means go.
  2. Everyone should know and obey all traffic signs.
  3. Pedestrians should stick to pedestrian lanes.
  4. They should walk against coming vehicles. This means they should not walk with their backs to coming vehicles.
  5. They should use overhead bridges where available.
  6. They should also ensure to look left right and left again before crossing the road.
  7. And they should cross at zebra crossing lines where available.
  8. Motorists and cyclists should always make sure to check their vehicle properly before setting out.
  9. They should not overtake turning vehicles.
  10. Cyclist should make sure they have their protective gears on before hitting the road.
  11. They should maintain the service lane while on the road.
  12. Motorists should always use the seat belt when driving.
  13. Vehicles should not be overloaded to avoid putting too much pressure on the tires.
  14. Passengers aboard public transports should learn to be calm and not upset or distract their driver.
  15. Motorists should know that eating, drinking, use of cell phone and driving while tired or drunk can prove to be very dangerous.
  16. Always be visible. Drive with your lights on especially at night.
  17. Learning motorists should put the “L” sign. This would help other motorists drive with caution around them.
  18. Do not over speed no matter how clear the road is as one cannot tell danger ahead.
  19. Do not drive vehicles without proper training on major roads.
  20. Do not block your ears with loud music while on the roads.
In conclusion, everyone should make road safety their personal and patriotic responsibility.
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