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Top 10 2019 Apps Of The Week

I- Invest NG

From all indications, it is safe to say that mobile applications are not going away anytime soon. They make life so much easier and increase the reach of services across the world. Nigeria is home to a good number of innovative apps that have been set up as viable solutions to fixable problems. 

As the year ends, we present to you 10 apps of 2019 that are worth checking out. These apps are not ranked in any order of significance.


Losing weight can be hard especially when you don’t have a practical program to guide you. Moreover, there are hardly any weight loss apps tailor-made for the Nigeria audience. As a result, many people find it difficult to track their weight loss journey based on factors like the Nigerian diet. Askdamz serves as a simple solution to this problem. It caters to the Nigerian audience and provides them with useful tips to help them track their weight loss progress. 




Africa is home to the most diverse race, making it a focal point for genetic testing. Yet, Dr.Abasi Ene-Obong, CEO of 54gene, made a startling discovery that 90% of genetic materials are from the west and only 2% are from Africa. This prompted him to launch the app 54gene. Since its launch on June 1, 2019, 54gene has been gaining ground and aims to facilitate research on the African genome by serving as the world’s first African bio-bank. 


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Thanks to the introduction of fintech solutions like Paga, the number of unbanked individuals in Nigeria are decreasing by the day. Paga is an innovative app that lets users make seamless payments wherever they are. Since its launch, it has made great strides to promote financial inclusion in Nigeria. It provides both mobile money and digital financial services to users and focuses a substantial of its services to the rural areas that comprise a lot of unbanked individuals. 



Another app aiming to reach the unbanked in Nigeria and promoting financial inclusion, Hollaport is a fintech service that was founded recently by Bua Group. The app was launched on July 6th, 2019, and already has over 4000 registered users on its platform. Not only does it aim to boost financial inclusion but it is also focused on increasing the possibilities of chatting, sending, and receiving money without leaving the platform. 




With the high rate of traffic congestion in metropolitan cities of Nigeria such as Lagos, bike-hailing services are now a viable solution for commuters who want to arrive at their destinations in time. Behemoth browser service, Opera, has taken the initiative to launch a ride-hailing mobile app known as ORide. ORide operates through OPAY, Opera’s flagship digitals service in Nigeria. 

Playstore is one of the foremost game-changer disrupting the way of booking hotels in Nigeria. It has grown to host over 10,000 hotel listings from over 320 cities in Nigeria. With the aim to make the process of booking hotels even easier, the service launched its mobile application in 2017. 



The first of its kind in Nigeria, Yochaa is a data-driven app that provides users with daily news updates on the stock market. It makes this information available in a simplified form in order to enable investors to understand the Nigerian stock market and gain investment insights. It also provides a demo account that lets users practise before they begin investing in stocks.


Privedoc is a medical app that lets patients consult medical practitioners right from the comfort of their homes. The app aims to “eliminate the need to travel and see a doctor”, enabling patients to have access to adequate medical attention in real-time. With first-rate Nigerian doctors who have been certified in the US and UK, Privedoc promises patients quality service. 



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One of the ways you can maintain a healthy life and stay free of diseases is by being cognizant of your health status. Medplan helps you to do just that by providing you with health news, valuable tips, medication reminders and more. With the app, you can easily pay attention to many aspects of your health that will help you achieve overall sound health.



I-Invest is an app that lets you purchase treasury bills directly from your mobile phone. In addition, you can also use the service to make utility bill payments, money transfers, and airtime purchases. I-Invest is a product of the collaboration between Sterling bank and Parthian Partners.


Featured Image Source: I- Invest NG

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