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Tips for Parents to Prepare Kids for a Stress-Free Back-to-School


Radio Nigeria Ibadan

  The back-to-school season can bring a mix of emotions for both parents and kids. There’s excitement about new classes and seeing friends again, but there can also be some anxiety and stress around the changes ahead. Whether it’s your child’s first year of school or they’re seasoned pros, the transition back to school can be a little overwhelming. To help ease the stress and make the process smoother for everyone, here are some practical tips to help your kids (and you!) feel more confident and ready for the school year ahead.
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  1. Start a Routine Before School Begins

One of the best ways to help your child transition smoothly into the school year is to start adjusting their routine a week or two before school starts. Over the summer, bedtimes and wake-up times often get a bit looser. Gradually moving back to a regular sleep schedule before the first day of school can help reduce the shock of those early mornings. You can start by moving bedtime earlier by 15 minutes each night until your child is back on a school-friendly schedule. In the morning, encourage them to get up and follow a routine similar to what they’ll be doing on school days—getting dressed, having breakfast, and brushing their teeth. By the time the first day rolls around, they’ll be better adjusted to the new schedule.
  1. Get Organized with Supplies and Clothes

The last thing you want on the first day of school is to be scrambling for school supplies or figuring out what your child is going to wear. Take some time to go through any school supply lists you’ve received and make sure you have everything your child needs. You can even make shopping for school supplies a fun outing where your kids can pick out their favourite notebooks, backpacks, or pencils. The same goes for clothes. Go through your child’s wardrobe and pick out outfits for the first few days of school. You could even let them help choose their outfits, so they feel excited about what they’re going to wear. Laying out clothes the night before is another easy way to reduce the morning rush and start the day off calmly.
  1. Create a Dedicated Study Space

Setting up a specific area for homework and study time is a great way to help your child focus and stay organized during the school year. It doesn’t need to be anything fancy—just a quiet corner with good lighting and enough space for books and supplies. Having a dedicated space signals to your child that it’s time to work, which can make the transition from playtime to study time a little easier. Encourage your child to keep this space tidy and stocked with the necessary supplies, like pencils, paper, and a calendar for tracking assignments and due dates. The more organized their study space is, the less likely they are to feel stressed when it’s time to do homework.
  1. Talk About Expectations and Feelings

Back-to-school season can be exciting, but it can also bring up some worries or concerns for kids. They might be anxious about making new friends, starting a new grade, or dealing with a tougher workload. Taking the time to talk to your child about how they’re feeling can make a big difference.
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Ask them if they have any questions or concerns about the upcoming school year. Let them know it’s okay to feel nervous and remind them that you’re there to support them through any challenges they might face. If they’re feeling especially anxious, share stories about your school experiences, and how you overcame any first-day jitters.
  1. Ease the First-Day Nerves

The first day of school can be the most nerve-wracking, so anything you can do to ease the tension is helpful. One way to do this is by practising the morning routine ahead of time. If possible, take your child to visit the school or meet their teacher before the first day. This way, the environment feels a little more familiar when they arrive. You can also try creating a positive association with the first day. Perhaps you have a special breakfast tradition or a little note of encouragement in their lunchbox. These small gestures can help make the first day feel a little more special and a little less scary.
  1. Establish a Consistent After-School Routine

Routines aren’t just for mornings—they’re also helpful for after-school time. Having a consistent routine when your child gets home from school can help them wind down and transition into the evening smoothly. For example, you might have a snack together followed by some quiet time for homework or reading. After that, your child can have free time to play, relax, or participate in activities. Keeping a regular after-school schedule helps your child know what to expect and reduces the chance of any meltdowns or stress later in the day.
  1. Be Involved Without Hovering

It’s important to stay involved in your child’s education, but there’s also a balance to be struck. While it’s great to help with homework or talk about their day, try to give your child some independence as well. Encourage them to take ownership of their responsibilities, like packing their backpack, setting up their study area, or organizing their schedule. By giving your child the opportunity to manage these tasks on their own (with your guidance, of course), you’re helping them build important skills that will benefit them in school and beyond.
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Final Thoughts

With proper planning, your back-to-school activities won’t be stressful, and you can help your child feel more confident and prepared for the new school year. The key is to focus on creating a calm and supportive environment where your child feels empowered to succeed.
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