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Tip of the day- Apps to Use

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Smartphones are all about apps, without apps our smartphones wouldn’t be so useful or fun as only a handful of apps come pre-installed on these devices. Starting from today, I’ll be highlighting a few apps whose daily use will make your phone a more productive device. Note taking and reminders – Google Keep Google Keep is a syncing notepad that connects to your Google Drive. It supports photo notes, voice notes, and checklists. It’s ideal for quick note-taking on the go, anyone who appreciates simple, fast note-taking tools or to-do apps, or for saving notes on the desktop that you know you’ll need on your Android phone, like shopping lists, addresses, phone numbers, checklists and to-do lists, or conference call codes. Keep even supports Google Apps accounts, so you can use it with your own domain or a business account. With Keep you’re bound to not forget the simple and important things.
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