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5 Easy Tips to Detangling Natural Hair

A Message From Your Natural Afro Hair -
Grooming natural hair can be quite exhausting for the most part. On the one hand, you’re struggling to maintain a steady growth, but on the other, you’re overwhelmed at the thought of combing it out what with all the tangles. Detangling is often the crucial part of an all natural hair care regimen as combing through tangles could result in split ends or damaged cuticles. While it can be a stressful exercise for most people, detangling ensures that your natural hair maintains a healthy growth process. It helps to remove those kinks and shed hairs that form knots which ultimately lead to hair breakage. Therefore, it’s important to know how to detangle natural hair properly. Here are easy tips for detangling your natural hair: Wet and condition your hair. Natural hair feeds on water. Combing natural hair works best when the hair is moist. If you comb while it’s dry it can lead to a lot of hair breakage, therefore, dampen the hair thoroughly by either washing it or spraying it with water from a spray bottle. Use a generous quantity of hair moisturizer Apply a substantial amount of hair conditioner or moisturizer on the hair, as natural hair also requires regular moisturizing. Rub it in until your hair feels damp; this is the perfect state for detangling. Section your hair into multiple parts This will make detangling super easy. Depending on the thickness and length of your hair, you can separate it into 4-8 smaller manageable sections. Focusing on one section at a time is less stressful than trying to detangle all the hair at once. It also ensures that moisturizers distributes throughout the hair. Use a wide tooth comb to detangle First use your fingers to rake through each section, separating strands of hair. Then detangle with a wide tooth comb starting from the tips and working your way to the roots of the hair. At this stage you have to gently comb through your hair. Make sure each section is completely free of tangles before moving to the next. Fingerstyle, wash and go, twist out Once your hair is completely free from tangles, you can finish off with a cold water rinse to help hair cuticles close. Now proceed to style as you desire.
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