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The Traveler’s Creed

Travelling also has its own set of rules. Although these rules are mostly not enforced by anyone, travelers who abide by them are sure to have very fun and memorable vacations. These rules are purely self-implemented and the success of a travel depends on whether the traveler obeys these rules to the letter or not. Plan, prepare and forecast – Whatever the reason of travel may be, plan weeks or days ahead. A business trip is always different from a relaxing fun vacation. However, the idea is to prepare adequately for the trip with all necessary logistics and arrangements. Predict contingencies and make plans for resolving unintended issues which may arise. Do not overspend – The danger in planning and going on that much anticipated vacation is to spend more than you actually can. In the end, after having a great time, you return home to more bills and debts. Make sure that you save for the trip, you plan everything according to your budget and you come back with no debts to pay. Also carry enough cash on you on your travel to avoid being stranded. Have the best of everything (food, fun, rest) – It is almost a crime to travel and not have the best of everything. From the food to the music, make sure you have the very best of everything. Have enough rest, see the best places, eat the best foods, and drink the best wine. It has to be different from the ordinary life. Achieve the purpose of your travel – Success is always measured by how much we have achieved with direct reference to our targets and set goals. Make sure you achieve the purpose of your travel before you return. So if you set out to relax, be sure to come back rejuvenated. If you are on a fun and adventure tour, be sure to do it all. Share experiences but never lie – Hiding your travel stories is like keeping secrets and not wanting anyone to experience what you have. That is selfish and is a great encroachment of “travel rules”. Share your travel stories to inspire and motivate other people to also travel. But most importantly, never tell lies. Say everything exactly as it happened. Do not let people expect too much when actually there is nothing spectacular because your stories might help someone make that choice to travel too. Do not be afraid to adventure and explore – There is a world beyond the four corners of your home. There is a world beyond your city. Never be afraid to travel, explore and seek adventure. Experience new cultures, do something new and exciting. A change of environment and routine is always good for a better life. Make it memorable; bring a souvenir – Quite often, you go to places and return with only memories which may not last for even a few years. However, when you grab a souvenir or something that will constantly remind you of the places you have been, memories are never lost. You can bring back a flag of the country, a carving, a t-shirt, national symbols etc. They make the memories last for long periods. Be safe; be careful – Although the main idea of travel is to leave everything behind, go crazy and have fun, there is one very important fact that you should not ignore. Be safe! Take careful steps to ensure a safe return. Don’t move out alone and at night to obscure places. Take all necessary medication and avoid crime prone destinations. There is life after the vacation or trip – Sometimes, travelers forget that the vacation is not endless. They forget that after all the fun and enjoyment, there is regular life to come back to. So make sure when you are relaxing and having all the good times, you are conscious of the fact that the vacation will end and there is your regular life after that. So prepare and plan with the that in mind.   About the Author: Bennet Otoo is the Public Relations Manager at Jovago. He loves writing and travelling.  
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