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The Right Kind Of ‘Ofe’

I guess it is not news that “‘Ofe’ dey run belle.” The old Nigerian adage means, too much free stuff is not good for you. It is believed that there is always a catch or some adverse effect to receiving too many free things. This is particularly true, with eating certain kinds of free food especially at a buffet. But there are some types of ‘ofe’ that do not hurt you. If you have access to the right kind of ‘ofe’, you will be just fine. In fact, you will be better than okay. A classic example of an ‘ofe’ that is immeasurably valuable, despite coming in stacks is wisdom. defines wisdom as the quality or state of being wise; knowing what is true or right coupled with just judgement as to action; sagacity, discernment, or insight. Wisdom is one ‘ofe’ you can never get enough of. But as you’ve noticed, wisdom comes with experience or listening to people, who are more experienced than you. Sometimes, looking to those who have gone before you and have made mistakes of their own, can make you wiser and spare you the heartache of going the long road by yourself. Nations thrive on the success of their SME sectors, and to excel as a business owner, startup or aspiring entrepreneur, you need to gain the right knowledge and know how to apply it to contribute meaningfully to the Nation’s GDP. At the Connect Nigeria E-Business Fair, you will have access to the body of knowledge and experience developed within our specific society or period from the speakers. For the exhibitors, it could be innovative ideas that when implemented will set your product and business idea on an upward slope towards exponential growth. Here are a few of the right kind of ‘ofe’ that you will get at the Connect Nigeria E-Business Fair 2018:
  1. Free tips on how to grow your business from world-class CEOs and Techpreneurs
  2. Free entry pass to attend this event and meet these great men and women in the business scene of Nigeria. You do have to register though.
  3. Free opportunity to showcase your products to a wide range of people, whose path you normally couldn’t have crossed. If you had to organise a similar event for only your product, trust me, it would cost you a lot.
  4. Free opportunity to ask the deep-seated questions in your heart about business decisions, and get an instant response from experienced guest speakers.
  5. Amazing discounted rates from brand products that you might not get anywhere else. If you like a bargain, this event has just the right incentive to satisfy your craving. We are talking products like software, fashion accessories, gadgets, books, and anything that can help fast track your business growth.
The Connect Nigeria E-Business Fair comes up on the 3rd of February 2018 at the Eko Hotels and Suites, Victoria Island, Lagos. To sponsor, exhibit, or register, visit or call 0700 800 5000. Grab this great opportunity with both hands.
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