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The Dos And Don’ts Of Online Learning


Online learning allows students to learn from the comfort of their own homes. Since the covid-19 period, there has been an increase in the use of online learning classrooms and attendance at lectures. However, if you are still enrolled in online classes and meeting online, you must show up and demonstrate to your teacher, tutors, or lecturer that you are present, paying attention, and participating. Being a good online learner necessitates self-control and self-discipline. Here are some online learning dos and don’ts to keep in mind when studying online.

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The Dos of Online Learning

Be Punctual and log in on time.

Attendance is still important as a student enrolled in online classes. You should access whatever online platform your teacher or tutor is using. Make sure your computer or phone is charged and that you are prepared to appear on screen promptly. Being late is unacceptable, especially when your commute is (likely) from your bedroom to your living room couch!

Introduce yourself and show respect for your colleagues.

Make an effort to introduce yourself and speak slowly. The sound quality will vary depending on how each student’s home office is configured. You’ll want to make sure that everyone can hear you and that you can hear them. However, remember to respect your classmates and give them the microphone floor when they speak.

Set up your workspace and ensure that it is quiet and distraction-free.

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Choose a quiet location where you will not be disturbed. Also, set your phone to silent mode so you’re not tempted to check social media while studying. It’s also a good idea to have a clean background behind you — hide your favorite band poster, and don’t let them see your dirty laundry all over the place.

Examine your technology

If your technology fails, you may miss an important part of the online lecture. Check that the camera is stable and that your audio or microphone is ready for service. Make sure you can hear everyone by wearing headphones or earpieces. Plugin your computer or phone and charge it ahead of time.

Examine the course syllabus

Make sure that you have completed the required reading or that you are prepared to participate based on the syllabus provided by your instructor. The syllabus is still your road map to passing and excelling in the courses you’re enrolled in, so don’t forget to review it ahead of time.

The Don’ts of Online Learning

There are no excuses for poor technology.

Make no excuses for poor technology. Before beginning an online study, always test your technology, including your computer, phone, and internet access. Furthermore, you should not make excuses for poor sound quality, poor internet connection, or other technical issues.

Avoid additional online resources.

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Avoid being distracted by other online resources or websites while taking part in your online class or lecture. While you’re learning online, block pop-ups and turn off notifications.

Don’t be afraid to express yourself.

Your tutor or lecturers will anticipate your participation in an online class. Lean into the microphone and offer your thoughts and opinions during a discussion session. Don’t be afraid to express yourself.

Don’t think you’re doing it alone.

At times, online learning can feel very isolated and lonely. Change your feelings by working with a classmate. Set up a face-to-face meeting and study session. Don’t think you’re on your own. There are several other students in your situation. Participate in our online forum discussions with them.

Don’t be discouraged.

A positive attitude will assist you in completing your online classes. Make sure to take breaks and gather your thoughts. Then return to your work.

Online learning is a fantastic experience. It is an excellent way to make personal or professional connections. Online learning can provide you with the skills and knowledge you need to succeed in your career.

Featured Image Source: eLearning industry
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