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The Build-Up To The 2019 General Elections

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Guardian NG

The 2019 General Elections are only a few days away and Nigerians everywhere are very eager to decide who gets to sit on the people’s throne for the next four years.

Some Nigerians believe the present government is playing the part of a dictatorship, rather than a democratic government elected into power by the same people they lead.

As ethnologically vast a nation as Nigeria is, her citizens wholly agree on one thing — the growth of the nation comes first.

It is evident that most Nigerians are fed up with the current state of the economy and with the cabals that govern our great country.

The media is rife with news of campaign grounds being sabotaged by Nigerians who are unsatisfied with the current government. In one occasion in Ogun state, President Muhammadu  Buhari and his contingents barely escaped an assault from citizens during a campaign rally.

In other states, partisans of major political parties have taken to the streets to demonstrate their indelible support to their candidates.

On one hand are some candidates who think they can sway the hearts of Nigerians through fake  promises.

On the other are the larger percentage of Nigerians who have learnt to see past hoax candidates, and would rather vote for a competent leader than a prolific sweet talker.

And if in another four years, the people’s choice proves inefficient, then the same people will choose another leader until Nigeria is once again envied by her contemporaries.

The presidential and the National Assembly Election will hold on Saturday, February 16, 2019.

Don’t be the Nigerian who would rather stay home and watch the wrong people take power. Come out and vote! It is your civic responsibility to choose Nigeria’s next set of leaders.

Featured image source: Guardian NG

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