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The Beauty Of Sharing Knowledge

By Funto Akinbisehin.
Over the years, man has taught himself to hoard knowledge to achieve power. Today, we have to reverse the tendency. Today, the most powerful individuals will be those who become a source of knowledge by sharing what they have, or what they can get their hands on, with others.

– Bob Buckman, President& Chairman, the Applied Knowledge Group

A candle loses nothing when used to light another candle. Rather, the candle helps to spread light, lighten up and beautify a room. This also gives us the light to see where there is darkness. We should see ourselves as a candle which lights up other candles. Knowledge is power, sharing knowledge ultimately advances your career and makes you a better person. Knowledge constitutes a valuable intangible asset for creating and sustaining competitive advantages.

A lot of people believe that the more they hoard knowledge, the more power or advantage they have over others. False! It only makes you a recluse and people will not like to associate with you. The beauty of knowledge is sharing it and letting the ignorant become knowledgeable.

We should also be willing to learn new things, listen to other people’s views and not believe that we know it all because WE DON’T! Picture what the world would be like if everyone holds on to what they know and decide not to share. Learning is continuous and I enjoy sharing what I believe is valuable with friends, family, colleagues etc. I feel fulfilled and satisfied when I share. I also believe that as I share knowledge with others, they will be willing to share new knowledge with me. For me I am willing to learn new things every day because it only makes me more aware and also relevant. What about you my friend? Wouldn’t you rather share?    
About The Author  Funto Akinbisehin is a highly motivated and effective individual with over 10 years’ experience spanning banking operations, project management and business development in the financial and telecommunication industry. His dream is to inspire young people especially young graduates trying to find their ultimate purpose and achieve their goals. He enjoys reading and travelling.
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