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The 7 Undeniable Traits of Powerful Women

  When I see women taking up the reins, taking up responsibilities and making the world a better place without waiting for anyone’s approval, I am encouraged, excited and I feel that something is right with the world because of the existence of these women. These women are not few. They are in their hundreds of thousands and the number increases daily. I am one of those who believe that all women all over should be a part of the change that is happening. Are you a powerful woman? Here are 7 ways you identify a woman who is powerful.
  1. A powerful woman understands the value of having meaningful relationships. Most of the time, these relationships are purposeful and genuine. In building these relationships, she is able to leverage on them and create opportunities for herself and those in her circle of connection.
  2. A powerful woman is one who is a motivating and inspiring leader at home, with friends, at work and even to strangers. Her heart is filled with compassion and encouragement and that is what comes out of her mouth. Whoever crosses her path is motivated and inspired to be better. Even her children and her husband calls her blessed.
  3. A powerful woman continues to learn. She understands that making one’s mark in the world in these times might be tricky, therefore she prepares herself on time to meet the challenges. She understands the times and the seasons and she takes steps to make sure that she and all those she is connected to are not left out alone in the cold.
  4. A powerful woman speaks up. She refuses to keep quiet in the face of injustice, evil and discrimination. She voices out her views without waiting for anybody’s permission or approval. She also speaks up and appreciates the good.
  5. A powerful woman steps up. She does not shy away from taking up responsibilities. She works well on her own and is a great team player. She is not found slacking on her duty post.
  6. A powerful woman shows up. When she gives her word, she stands by it. The minute she realizes that she is unable to show up, she makes it known and makes necessary amends.
  7. A powerful woman stands up for what she believes in. She does not give two impressions on a clear cut matter she is for or against. If she is for it, everyone gets to know that she is for it and if she is against it, everyone gets to know that she is against it. This is why around her are those willing to work and if necessary fight for her because she is clearly known for what she believes in.
So, are you a powerful woman?
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